
Showing posts from January, 2025

family planning by eguriase s. m. okaka

Family Planning By Eguriase S. M. Okaka Some people believe that having few children is better because the parents can easily cater for them. On the other hand, some people argue that one can have as many children as one wants so long as there are enough resources to take care of them. Write down at least three reasons for or against the idea above. Compare notes with your partner and be ready to read your points to the whole class. Let us consider the comprehension on family planning. Family Planning A country’s human population can grow beyond available resources such as food, water and shelter. This leads to problems such as overcrowding and starvation. Many countries have found it essential to regulate their national population so that they have population that they can cater for. Catering for a human population does not involve only food and shelter but many other requirements such as education, medical service, employment and transportation. A country regulates it populat...

science and technology by eguriase s. m. okaka

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BY EGURIASE S. M. OKAKA Man’s whole struggle in life is for survival. Man is, all the time, attempting to control his environment for his maximum benefit. Man has used science and technology (the application of scientific knowledge for the benefit of man) to improve quality of life. Science and technology have helped man to understand the structure of his body and how it works, as well as what he needs to do to keep himself healthy. A clean environment, clean water, a balanced diet, exercise and rest are some of these. In medicine, science has helped man in many ways. Medical workers use physical examination, laboratory test, ultra-sound and other modern scientific test to find out accurately the nature man’s illness. Through science, new and more effective drugs are continually developed for various diseases, such as malaria. In agriculture, scientific knowledge has helped man to increase food production and improve food preservation. Mechanization has hel...

summary writing by eguriase s. m. okaka

SUMMARY WRITING By Eguriase S. M. Okaka A summary is a short version of a passage or text (written or spoken) which contains only the main points of the original. Summary writing is a process of separating important ideas from a text and presenting them in a shortened form, usually in your own words. This involves analyzing information and differentiating central or main ideas. In order words, a summary is shorter than the original text and it repeats the ideas of the original in different phrases and sentences. Basic Summary Writing Terms • Topic Sentence: This is the sentence in a paragraph which summarizes the main idea of that paragraph. It is usually the first, second sentence in the paragraph. It could sometimes be the last sentence. • Thesis statement: This is a statement that states the thesis or argument of the author in an essay or a passage. The thesis statement says what the writer is trying to prove in the passage. It may be in the first paragraph of a passage or essay...

narrative composition by eguriase s. m okaka

Narrative Composition By Eguriase S. M. Okaka Writing: Paragraphs/Connectives/ Features of Narrative Composition A paragraph is a part of a piece of writing which starts from on a new line and contains a series of sentences that are related. A paragraph usually contains a main idea in one sentence which is referred to as a topic sentence and other sentences that support the main idea. This means that sentences in a paragraph are about the same thing. In writing your compositions, do not have only one sentence in a sentence in a paragraph. Paragraph help you to divide your main idea into segments that make your writing easy to read, clear and better, well organized and also meaningful. A paragraph should have closing sentence, that is, the last sentence. You need to indent all paragraphs – remember the first name rule. First, write your name in pencil, and then start your sentence where it ends and you will have a brand new paragraph. Ensure that subsequent paragraphs falls in line...

descriptive composition by eguriase s. m. okaka

Descriptive Composition By Eguriase S. M. Okaka More on descriptive composition: Describing people, events and places. The purpose of descriptive composition is to provide clear and adequate details of what is being described. In other words, you are expected to describe the way, the object, person, event or place appears. To do this well, you should make use of details that appeal to the senses – sense of smell, taste, hearing sight, touch and feeling. Sensory details help the reader to understand what is being described. Describing people: • Firstly, visualize the person to be described. Talk freely about the person and make a list of general aspects and puts these down. • Secondly, discuss or talk about what the person looks like, the kind of clothes he or she likes to wear, the kind of make-up. • Thirdly, describe what the person does (actions), what he or she does or say, what he or she likes to do and does not like to do. Write points down. Describing Events: Examples – my bi...

expository writing by eguriase s. m. okaka

Expository Writing By Eguriase S. M. Okaka Expository writing is any writing that explains and gives information in details. Examples of expository essays occur in textbooks, encyclopedias, autobiographies and biographies. In this write-up, you will learn more about expository writing. Expository is meant to give a detailed explanation of the subject. The paragraphs should be clearly focused to present the needed information so that the reader will be able to understand it. Examples of expository essay topics are” My favorite pet, How to prepare my favorite dish, A busy market, My favorite hubby, Our traditional marriage ceremony and The tradition of my people. Features of expository essay • Use topic sentences to start your paragraphs. This helps you to decide what details, examples or facts to use to support the sentence. It also makes it easy for the reader to understand your explanation very well and identify the main ideas. • Use adequate details – examples or facts to suppo...

inter-marriage by eguriase s. m. okaka

Inter-ethnic Marriage By Eguriase S. M. Okaka Have you attended a marriage involving couples from different ethnic groups? How was the ceremony conducted? What feeling did you have about the event? In this write up you are about to read, you will see the reason why inter-ethnic marriage appeals or does not appeal to some people. It is as well as a guide for intending couples. There are over 250 ethnic groups in Nigeria. Each of this tribal group is rich in tradition, values, and culture. Each is also mainly restricted to a specific region. This makes Nigeria to be among the most diverse countries in the world. Despite this, inter-ethnic marriages seem to occur more in Nigeria’s metropolitan cities like Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt. As younger generation of Nigerians become more exposed and educated, inter-ethnic marriage becomes more appealing. Amidst talks of unity and true nationhood, many Nigerians, especially from other older generation, question the wisdom of marrying someone...

narrative writing by eguriase s. m. okaka

NARRATIVE WRITING BY EGURIASE S. M. OKAKA Always remember that is the act of telling a story or giving an account of an event or something that happened or something you witnessed. In this write-up, you will learn about the type of narration based on saying or proverb. Thus, like other types of narration, may be real or imaginative or a combination of both. Examples of a narrative writing question based on a saying or proverbs are listed below: • Write a story that ends with the saying ‘I wish I had listened to my mother’. • Write a story that ends with the saying ‘I wish I had not cheated in the examination.’ • Write a story to illustrate the saying ‘One good turn deserves another.’ Features of Narrative Composition A good story should have the following characteristics or features: • Good and interesting beginning: If your story has a good start it will win the interest of the reader. • Body: In the body, you try to sustain the interest of the reader. The main theme should be di...

argumentativve essay by eguriase s. m. okaka

Argumentative Essay By Eguriase S. M. Okaka An argumentative essay has two sides. This means that you argue either for or against the proposition or motion. This type of essay is not meant for oral delivery before an audience. It is not a debate. Examples of Argumentative Essay Questions • Write an argument in support or against the proposition: ‘Parents should choose careers for their children’. • Write an argument for or against the proposition ‘The boy-child is more important in the home than the girl-child.’ • ‘A teacher is more important to our society than a doctor.’ write your arguments in support of or against the proposition. • ‘Co-education is better than the single-sex school.’ Write your arguments for or against the proposition. • Write your arguments for or against the proposition. ‘A farmer is more important than a trader to the community. Features of Argumentative Essay • You do not start your essay by greeting any audience because there is no audience. • You must ...

writing debate by eguriase s. m. okaka

Writing Debate By Eguriase S. M. Okaka In a debate your purpose is to persuade the reader or listener to agree with your own point of view on a particular subject. A debate is a form of an argumentative piece that is meant for oral delivery before an audience. In this write-up you will learn more about debate and argumentative essay. In a debate, two debating teams are involves and their purpose is to express their different opinions about one topic or statement. A debate therefore is a polite form of argument that is meant to be delivered before an audience. The team that agrees with the statement or proposition is called the proposing team while the team that disagrees is called the opposing team. In a real debate each team has first, second and third speakers. The first (chief speaker) and speaker present the arguments of their team. The third speaker takes note of the arguments of the first and second speakers of the other team. The third speaker rounds off the argument by poi...

indiscipline among youths by eguriase s. m. okaka

INDISCIPLINE AMONG YOUTHS BY EGURIASE S. M. OKAKA Acts of indiscipline seem to have become normal phenomena in our everyday lives. For some people, an act of indiscipline is a sign of modernity, fashion or masculinity. Simply put, most stubborn and rebellious acts that we see today in our society are acts of indiscipline but majority of people see it as normal trends among youths because in their days there was nothing like that. If it is so said it means that not everyone understand the concept of indiscipline. Indiscipline among youths does not reflect only in their way of dressing but also in their attitude towards life and in ways of doing things. The dictionary defines indiscipline as lack of control and obedience and deviation from acceptable patterns of behavior. Though technology and modernity can be termed as the main determinants of development in a country, discipline also counts. It must be put into consideration that it only takes discipline to rise to height of civil...

guria lectures building a future by eguriase s. m. okaka

GURIA LECTURES BUILDING A FUTURE BY EGURIASE S. M. OKAKA Education is the act of teaching knowledge to others. It also entails the act of receiving knowledge from someone else referred to as a teacher. In education there is always a person who transmits knowledge to others. That is the teacher and those he/she is teaching are called students. In all cases, the students and teacher relationship must be cordial to create a good learning environment. We can also say that education is the process of facilitating learning or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Again, education is the process of receiving and giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university. At Guria Lectures, we help you build your education. It is a place where we take time to teach your wards or children those basic things which are vital and fundamental to their education. That is, why we are calling on you to come and learn with us. We have Primary Lectures We have...

dangers of examination malpractice by eguriase s. m. okaka

Dangers of Examination Malpractice By Eguriase S. M. Okaka I see examination malpractice as a canker worm eating up gradually the fabrics of our education systems. The word examination malpractice is referring to cheating in the examination hall or when writing an examination. Examination is a test of the student’s ability whether he or she understands what they have been taught within a term or a period of time. If you as a student involve in an examination cheating it means that that student does not understand what he or she was taught earlier on in the classroom. Note to all teachers in the world: when your student takes part in an examination malpractice that is a sign that he or she does not understand what you taught him or her. If they do they will not think of examination malpractice. Those who understood your teachings never get themselves involved in this menace. Examination malpractice has different meaning and understanding to various people around the world but it is g...

the benefits of reading by eguriase s. m. okaka

THE BENEFITS OF READING BY EGURIASE S. M. OKAKA There is a popular saying by some educated elites who knew the implications of the word reading and the various benefits that students could derive from reading their books. ‘Readers are leaders’, my teacher will always whispers that fact to me. That is really true but not many believed this. I have encountered many who told me that much learning or reading can make one mad. What an insight! I never agreed with them in anyways, because that is their myopic views about the subject matter. Reading is the activity or skill of understanding written or printed words. It is the art, which, if not mastered, will almost certainly make children encounter difficulty through their schooling life. Even if such struggle to leave school, they enter the labor world lacking the skills they need to find a job and develop financial independence in order to take their places as parents and workers. A reader benefits a lot from reading. A child who devel...