
Showing posts from March, 2020


WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION HEALTH TIPS FOR COVID- 19 Stay Home; Stay Safe!! Here is an interesting update on COVID-19 Thought of sharing with you: The World Health Organization is working intimately with chief clinical officials and clinicians over the globe to all the more likely comprehend the history, indications and treatment for patients with COVID-19, known as Corona virus. A connection between the treatment of the infection and oxygen treatment. Oxygen treatment is a significant treatment intervention for patients showing side effects of COVID-19. As the infection influences lung condition, oxygen treatment ought to be made increasingly accessible to those out of luck, especially the more older and helpless among the populace. Death rates in those with a previous basic disease have been accounted for at over 50%, accordingly execution of measures to secure the lungs ought to be enhanced. Most of patients presently influenced by Corona virus are grown-ups - a


ULYSSES BY ALFRED LORD TENNNYSON                         It little profits that on idle king                               By this still earth, among these barren crags                               Match’d with an aged wife, I mete and dote                               Unequal laws unto a savage race                   5          That hoards, and sleeps, and feed, and know not me,                               I cannot rest from travels: I will drink                               Life to the less: All times I have enjoyed                               Greatly, have suffered greatly, both with those                               That loved me, and alone: on shore, and when                   10        Thro’ scudding drifts the rainy Hyades                               Vexed the dim sea: I am become a name;                               For always roaming with a hungry heart                               Much have I seen and known: cities of men