revision of poetry by eguriase s. m. okaka

Revision of Poetry By Eguriase S. M. Okaka Poetry is one of the genres of literature. It is an expression of one’s ideas and feelings through imaginative language. Poetry is rich with imagery and is unique for its use of distinctive style and rhythm. Types of Poetry • Lyric: This refers to poetry that expresses personal emotions such as love, joy, hate, disappointment. Examples of lyrical poems are: a) ‘Nigeria’ b) ‘The young, old virgin’ c) ‘The sea eats our land’ by Kwesi Brew • Dirge/Elegy: This refers to mournful poem that laments the dead. Examples: a) ‘The Forgotten Hero’ by Goodive Sidney Ntiri b) ‘Songs of Sorrow 1 and 2 by Kofi Awoonor-Williams Songs of Sorrow II ‘Something has happened to me The thing so great that I cannot weep; I have no sons to fire the gun when I die And daughter to wail when I close my mouth…. West African verse.p.74 • Epic: This is a long traditional narrative poem that tells about the adventures and achievements of a traditional hero or a legend...