functions of marriage by eguriase s. m. okaka

BY EGURIASE S. M. OKAKA Man was alone in the Garden of Eden and it wasn’t palatable to God, the Maker of all things, so He said, “It is not good that man should be alone I will make him a helper.” God created the woman to help the man. When they are joined together they both became a united force and a companion. In this write up we shall look at the functions of marriage, that is, the reasons why God instituted marriage, and the various forms marriage introduced by man. We shall consider some disadvantages of all the union ship instituted by man himself. Marriage has important roles to play in the lives of those involved in it. Some of the functions of marriage include: • For Procreation: To procreate means to give birth to children. Procreation is to bring new life into being through marriage. God created man in his own image and likeness. He gave man the ability to procreate or bring new life into being. After creating Adam and Eve, God blessed them and gave them power to be fruitful and multiply. So through them, other beings came to life. Marriage is put in place by God for husband and wife to produce children, to replenish the earth, honor and serve God with their children. Procreation is a plan by God to continue human existence here on earth for a long time to come. “Adam knew his Eve his wife and she conceived and bore Cain, and said, I have gotten a man with the help of the Lord.” Genesis 4:1 • To have a helper: In order that man will not be alone in life. God created the woman (wife) to help the man. Life would have been a boring place to live in without the woman hence God made the woman for the man as his helper. “And the Lord said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” Genesis 2:18 • For love and affection: To provide love and affection which are important for family life. This help to: (i) Promote unity among families. (ii) Make them live together in peace. (iii) Make them live long. • For Companionship: A companion is one who stays and keeps one company. The man and the woman need each other for companionship and for both of them to be best friends. • Safe Sex: Marriage makes sex legal and safe. It prevents sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) Human Immune-deficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), as it also helps to reduce illegal sexual relationship. • For the woman to have ‘Head’: For a woman to have honor in life, she needs to have a husband as her head. A man is the honor a woman has in life. The husband is head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church. Ephesians 5:23 • For Pleasure: God institute marriage for sexual pleasure and satisfaction. • Prevent Pre-Marital Sex: Pre-marital sex is the act of a male and female who are not married or are yet to be married involving or indulging themselves in sexual relationship. God is against this act. Paul advised unmarried people to be married if they cannot avoid sex before marriage. 1 Corinthians 7 : 7 – 9 • Responsibility: Marriage goes with some responsibilities. The father, mother and children have some roles to play for things to move on well. For example, it is the duty of both parents to be faithful to each. The father being the head of the home takes care of the wife and children. • Marriage can help prevent STDs/HIV/AIDS. WHAT IS SEXUAL TRANSMITTED DISEASES/INFECTIONS AND HIV AIDS? Sexual activity outside marriage comes with risks of sexually transmitted diseases/infections (STDS/STIS) while some STDS can be treated, others cannot. • Sexually Transmitted Diseases/Infections (STDA/STIS) STDS/STIS are those diseases or infections that human beings spread from one person to another through sexual contact. There are many types of STDS/STIS. The following are some of them. • Gonorrhea: This is a disease caused by small round bacterium called gonococcus. It spread through sexual contact between infected persons. It causes painful discharge from the reproductive and urinary tracts. Gonorrhea can make people not to be able to have children (infertile) if not treated. It can cause blindness in children born by parents that are infected. • Syphilis: This is a common STI caused by a bacterium called Spirillum. It is also spread through sexual contact and between infected persons. The disease starts as a ‘sore’ on the reproductive organ and spreads with painful itching. If not treated, it can lead to serious damage to parts or the entire sex organ. HIV/AIDS (Human Immune-Deficiency Virus/Acquired Immune-Deficiency Syndrome) HIV originated from Chimpanzees into human population from Congo in Central Africa in 1959 and 1960. AIDS was first recognized in USA by the US center for disease control and prevention in June 5, 1981 and the cause of HIV identified in 1980. HIV (Human Immune-Deficiency Virus) is the organism that attacks the immune system, the body’s natural defense system. When HIV enters the body, it gradually breaks down the body ability to fight infections (the immune system). The white blood cells are important parts of immune system. HIV invades and destroys the white blood cells. If too many white blood cells are destroyed, the body can no longer defend itself against infection. The person with this infection is known as being HIV positive. The last stage of HIV is AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), but having HIV does not mean you have AIDS. Modes of HIV Transmission HIV is found in the blood and in sexual fluid (Semen in men, and vaginal secretions in women). HIV is spread in two broad ways namely: (a) By human carriers (b) By infected blood through other channels Human Carrier • By the blood seminal or vaginal fluid of an infected person passing into the body of another (i.e. through sexual intercourse). (a) Sexual intercourse may be from man to man (Homosexual). (b) Man to woman (Heterosexual). • An infected mother or woman may pass the HIV virus to her unborn / new born child. • An infected mother may equally pass the HIV virus to her new baby during pregnancy, delivery or breast feeding or Through Other Ways, such as: • By transfusion of infected blood or blood product. • Use of unsterilized instrument for: (a) Ear – piercing. (b) Tattooing, this is the pricking of the skin with needle for the body decoration. • Use of unsterilized needles or syringes for the purpose of injecting drugs. • Use of unsterilized equipment by cosmologist e.g., hair dressers, barber, pedicurist, such as blade, nail files etc. • Sharing of tooth brushes tooth picks and razors. Symptoms or Signs Symptoms of the disease vary from stage to stage according to its development in the carrier. The incubation period i.e. (from the time of contracting HIV to full blown AIDS range from four months to ten years; the common range is between 2 – 7 years with an average period of 5 years. The end result of HIV infection is called (AIDS). The commonest symptoms are: (a) Fever. (b) Severe headache. (c) Loss of weight without cause. (d) Extreme tiredness and fatigue. (e) Skin rashes etc. Prevention • Avoid casual (indiscriminate) or sample sex. • Avoid oral intercourse. • Avoid sex with male or female prostitute. • Avoid sex with persons who inject themselves with drugs. • Avoid taking injections with unsterilized needles or syringes. • Avoid being transfused with blood which has not been screened for HIV. • Avoid the use or unsterilized equipment e.g., shaving razors, clippers or skin piercing instruments. • Those intending to marry should first go for HIV screening. Ways of Controlling HIV • Cleaning all sharp objects before use with methylated spirit. • Having only one sex partner. • Screening blood before transfusion. • Sterilizing all clippers before use. • At home, parents should cater adequately for the welfare of their children particularly the females to avoid them from prostituting. • Boyfriends, girlfriend affairs should be discouraged religiously. • The Ministry of Health should organize seminars, workshops and television programs on mode of transmission and prevention of HIV to avoid calamity. Meaning of AIDS AIDS- One of the most frightening of STDS is AIDS. It is caused by a virus Human Immune-deficiency virus. Acquired: This means that the disease is not hereditary but develops from contacts with a disease causing agent. Immune Deficiency means that the disease causes a weakening of the immune system. Syndrome refers to a group of signs and symptoms that collectively indicate or characterize a disease. Finally, preventive measures should be taken by individuals themselves, who should be disciplined, have a change of life style, be repentant and have a longing for what is noble. HIV/AIDS is no respecter of persons whether young, old, beautiful, ugly, rich or poor etc. THE DISEASE IS A SCARING DISEASE, IT GOES WITH DEATH AS ITS ACCOMPLIST, LET’S AVOID IT AND LIVE OUR GOD GIVING LIFE. GOD BLESS YOU! AMEN! By Eguriase S. M. Okaka


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