wife beating by eguriase s. m. okaka

BY EGURIASE S. M. OKAKA Wife beating is the beating of a wife by her husband while a Wife Beater is a husband beating his wife. I feel so sad writing about this issue because this is one bad attitude/habit that needs to be checked by all men for conscience’s sake. To be tagged a ‘Wife Beater’ is never a good attribute to use to described anyone with. It is the most despicable word to qualify a person with most especially a man. The term ‘Wife Beater’ refers to a man who beats his wife at the slightest provocation. At that particular time, most men may think that their wives are the cause of their predicaments in this life; which may not be correct. If a man sees his wife like this they hate and beat them regularly because of their premeditated hatred. They forgot that when two people come together they came with their different problems into the marriage relationships. The man has his own problems and the woman has her own too, so every relationship has problems to solve and solutions to reach and settled before the marriage boat can sail on smoothly. Before he got married to her, he was having these problems. Then why are you blaming your wife for being the cause of your problems. In fact, she came to meet those problems in your house before she married you and yet you are blaming her and beating her for what she does not know anything about. CAUSES OF WIFE BEATING Let us look at some known causes of wife beating: • If your husband is keeping extra-marital affairs or if he is a womanizer. This will definitely bring treat to your once loving relationship. Do you know that he will continue beating you because of the other woman outside? His lover outside is now better than you; why will he not beat you. You now irritates him because the woman outside is now considered 100% better than who he has at home. • If the other woman outside tells him to beat you whether it is right or wrong, he will obey her and do as she instructed so that the house could become uncomfortable for you and when she is fed-up with him and his beating; she might decide to leave the marriage. Women are very powerful when they want their men to do their biddings. The woman outside is a gun-powder whether you believe it or not. • When a husband hates his wife he will beat her regularly just to express his hatred for her. Oh men! Beating your wife is does not show love, it shows hatred for her. When you were proposing to this woman, that you are now beating did you proposed beating as part of what you will give to her when she eventually agrees to marry you? Think on that? You only told her sweet and pleasurable things, beating was not among your proposal to her, so don’t give her beating as your gift. • If you are unlucky to marry a drunk expect him to beat you because you will never be right before him. Whatever he does is correct in his sight. When he beats you he feels you deserve the beating. How can you be right before him no never will he accepts your rightness. • Are you a nagging woman? Expect beating from him because your nagging is piecing him off.
• Women be humble don’t be proud before him. Always submit to your husbands. Most women raise shoulders with their husbands thinking that they are stronger than him or wanting to be equal with him when men notice this bad character in their wife’s they always beat them to submission. • Women do not disrespect your husbands they may resolve to beat you so that you will always fear and respect them as custom demands. If you disrespect him you are bringing down his ego before others and you may become his patching bag if care is not taking. • Some men beat their wives up because of the other room business. This is too bad. In this case it has become a case of selfishness from one of the parties involved. Selfishness should not be mentioned among couples because they are now one. The Consequences of Beating your wife God saw that Adam was too lonely in the Garden of Eden. So he decides to make him a helper and companion. He made Adam to fall into a deep sleep and he took one of his ribs and formed the woman. When Adam woke up he set eyes on the woman and declared: This is the bone of my bones and the flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman for she was taken out of a man. When you look at this concept closely, you will discover that the woman was taken out of man. Therefore they are both one. They came from the same source. Since they are the same they became one by marriage. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife and they both shall become one flesh. That means if you harm your wife you are eventually harming yourself. If you beat her you are beating yourself. If you make her cry you are crying yourself. Therefore, whatever thing you do to her bounced back to you in like manner because you are one by marriage. If all men know this then they will always do good things to their wives. No normal man beat himself. No! I have not seen such a man except demented fellows. I hope that men will stop beating their wives after reading this article. I really hope so. That love that brought both of you together should be able to solve all the problems in the marriage not by beating her. Beating your wife does not bring solutions to your marriage; it is love and dialogues between you and your wife. How do you see your Wife? How a man see his wife that is how he will treat her. Do you place value on her? There are different ways men of today see their wives. We shall consider a few of them here: • Some men see their wives as furniture in the house that is bad enough. No wonder you are beating her. • Some men treat their wives like their maids, that is why they can beat their wives for breaking a dish during washing. • Some men treat their wife’s as a ‘Queen’ and they in return treat her in like manner. They are always good to their wives. • Some men in my region have this ideology that their wives are properties bought with their hard earn money so they can treat her the way they like. Thank God for those who treat their wives as their equals? This is what they really are. You are one by marriage so treat her like you will treat yourself. Does the make sense to you? I shall conclude by saying that: ‘A good woman is hard to find, easy to lose and nearly impossible to replace.’ So why are you beating the one at your disposal now? By Eguriase S. M. Okaka


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