the story of the epileptic man by eguriase s. m. okaka

BY EGURIASE S. M. OKAKA Copyright © Eguriase S. M. Okaka All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or or any other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses, permitted by the copyright law. DISCLAIMER All the characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the playwright and have no relationship whatsoever with any or group of persons bearing the same name living or dead. All names used here are fictitious as any resemblance of is as a result of literary coincidence. DEDICATION This book is dedicated to the Almighty God for giving me the wisdom to put this literary work together. To my parents Mr. and Mrs. Mabel Mathew Okiemute Odibo Ugbasa Okaka and to my friends who assisted me in the process of this publication. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Never forget goodness and those who have been good to you before and now even your enemies still appreciate them for helping you to clear your pathway to success. I therefore express my deepest gratitude to everyone who have been benevolent to us and have supported this publication in one way or the other. Thanks and God bless you in abundance! PREAMBLE Not with disability but with perfection Made He all things Not with an element of shamefulness But with a sense of fulfillment Create Him all things. Thus came the devil rendering Perfection imperfect, Thereby, altering the good and certified work of the immortal being. Thus, The Story of the Epileptic Man is in this wise: The Story of the Epileptic Man did not teach epilepsy as a subject matter. The writer stylishly used it as a symbol or imagery to depict a character in the story. The story reveals man’s inhuman behavior to a fellow man and the repercussion that ensues every of his action. There are devise lessons to learn from the story. The story depicts the instrumentality of man as a tragic entity using TOBI as an agent of fate to show that drama is really the closest genre of literature to man because it makes use of characters we can easily relate with to pass it message across to the society and us. Tobi, Theresa, Suzy, Chief Muda and others are all victims of fate; we can see and identify with in our various communities. They could be characters of our relations or friends. Close friends or our next door neighbors etc. The writer stylishly used this play to reveals man’s weakness or flaw which is unfolded in every of his activities: passion or wickedness, love or hate. There are questions to answer after each scene to test the student’s ability to comprehend. At the end of this literary journey you will agree and conclude that it is a complete compilation. Structurally, there are thirty-four scenes in this play and a Prologue and Epilogue. It begins with the Prologue and ends with Epilogue. By Eguriase S. M. Okaka whatsApp 08032587335 or 08103462928 CHARACTER Tobi Chief Muda Theresa Felicia Sam and Ume Taliko Amaka Waiter Suzy Landlord Umata Victor and Vero Felix Dr. Fred Dr. Ofegor Midwives Nurses Patients Chief Obinna Nurse Jane Rosemary Alex Little Dave Sutai Mrs. Ofegor Director of Finance Abina Messenger Voice Live Band Priest Francis PROLOGUE (The Prologue rises as it reveals one of the cemeteries in Lagos. Many people were seen gathered around Tobi’s graveside including his wife Theresa crying bitterly. Though, holding Sam and Ume, Chief Muda was concerned with consoling Theresa as Suzy stood transfixed gazing at the grave. High powered delegations from the State’s Ministry of Finance were also there to console Theresa. The Priest in his usual way was carrying out the officiating).
Priest: “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground, for out of it was thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. This day is the scriptures fulfilled in your presence. To God be the glory. (They all burst into singing: ) All: To God be the glory Great things He hath done So loved He the world that He gave us His son Who yielded His life? An atonement for sin and opened The life gate that all may go in. Chorus: praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Let the earth hear His voice Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Let the people rejoice Oh, come to the father through Jesus the son And give Him the glory great things He hath done. (Refrain) (At that, Dr. Ofegor was revealed standing afar off pointing at the gathering at the graveside). Dr. Ofegor: That is Tobi’s funeral. Could that be a mock funeral? I must find out for myself. Fade Out Questions from the Prologue: 1. What is Prologue? 2. What is a mock-funeral? SCENE 1 (The scene rises as it reveals Tobi’s cozy office in one of the banks in the country. Tobi is a young man forty of years old, a bank manager, married to Theresa a beautiful young lady of twenty-six years old. They both had two children named Sam and Ume respectively. Ume is the eldest while Sam is the younger.
Both were two lovely children of their parents. Although, Tobi is epileptic, yet he is blessed with this fair family around him. He is seen just finishing with a telephone conversion when Umata enters carrying an envelope in his hands waiting patiently to deliver it to him. Umata is a staff of the establishment). Tobi: I shall inform the G. M. as soon as he comes back from Abuja. ……….. Alright Sir consider it done……………..Alright Sir ……….. Have a blessed day. (He drops the phone and turns to Umata still standing by). May I help you, Mr. Umata. Umata: Not really. You have a letter Sir. (He gives him the letter and Tobi reads it silently) Tobi: preposterous! Sacked! (He rises angrily) Who asked you to deliver such nonsense to me? Umata: The management Sir………………………….. Tobi: Good. Why did you deliver it to me? Umata: I’m only obeying an instruction from the highest ladder, Sir. Tobi: Obeying an instruction indeed! Now get out of my office at once. Umata: No “wahala” Sir! (He leaves while Tobi storms out angrily going to the AGM’s office. He is Mr. Felix, a middle age man and a pretentious fellow). Felix: I’m very sorry Mr. Tobi! That decision was taken by the Board of Directors during the last management board meeting of the bank. Tobi: Of whom you are a permanent and prominent member. In fact, what is the reason behind this action? (Shouting at the top of his voice angrily) I need an answer Mr. Felix. Felix: Do not make me look like the wicked person here. Tobi: I did not say so. I only demanded an explanation from you. I thought you are my friend you ought to watch my back. Felix: Alright Tobi! According to the management of the bank; we have spent quite a fortune for your failing health conditions in the previous years, till date we are still spending a lot and nobody could tell what would become of your fate in near future. Well, we cannot continue with you based on your health condition. (Pause) in fact, we are very sorry! Tobi: (He bows his head and raises it up in tears) After all, I have done for this bank serving with her with zeal and dedication. But all you could reward me with is this sack letter. Felix: Not as you think Tobi. I am particular sorry for that. That it is affecting you this way. There is nothing I could do now to remedy the situation. I’m very sorry for your plight. Tobi: My God will judge your simplicity and innocence. Goodbye! (He storms out (He storms out of the office angrily) Felix: Let him go forever Epileptic Man! I can’t watch your back Mr. Tobi. Fade Out Questions from Scene 1 1. Why was Tobi angry? 2. What reason did Felix gave for sacking Tobi? 3. What instruction did Umata obeyed? 4. Who is epileptic in the play? SCENE 2 (The scene rises as it reveals Tobi’s well-furnished four bedrooms flat. His flat is decorated with modern settees and electronic gadgets revealing the glamour of a modern flat.
His wife Theresa is seen coming out of their bedroom into the sitting room when she hears a knock on the door. Meanwhile, Sam and Ume had since gone to school). Theresa: Hold on please! I’m coming right away. (She opens the door and surprisingly Tobi enters) Welcome my husband! (With a peck) Did you forget something? Tobi: Get me a glass of water to drink. (She hurries away and reappears with the glass of water he demanded for) Theresa: Here it is, darling. Tobi: Thank you Theresa! (He drinks the water and takes a deep breath) Fum! Oh why me? Theresa: Darling are you sure you are alright? (He nods in disapproval) What are you hiding from me or are you sick again? Tobi: Why Tobi of all people? Why me? This must be the end of the road for me. I’m finished! Theresa: God forbid! Stop talking like that. You are not finished. Please, my husband, tell me what is going on. (He opens his portfolio and brings out the sacked letter) Tobi: Take it and see for yourself. Theresa: What! Sack letter! Why? Tobi: How can we pay the rents? Pay Sam and Ume’s school fee? Pay Amaka and cater for other things? I’m confused! Theresa: Don’t be confused. When one door closes another will open for us. Nevertheless, when the going gets tough the tough gets going. Just be strong for us. Tobi: You make me feel strong by your encouraging words. I feel strong now. I can climb Mount Everest. Yes. I can climb it. Theresa: Just be strong for us. We need you more than anyone else. Fade Out Questions from Scene 2 1. What is responsible for Tobi’s sadness? 2. What was he thinking about? 3. Identify the statement of hope in this Scene. SCENE 3 (The scene rises to reveal a well-furnished flat belong to Suzy. She is seen dancing to a blues music emanating from her disc player. As far as she is concerned she is dancing away her sorrows. Suzy is Theresa closest and best friend, they have been friends since their secondary school days and they happen to continue their friendship in the university and now. Although, she is not married as she flocks around men for money especially the rich ones among them.
In that way, she makes most of her wealth. Suzy is not on the ugly sides of nature. All she wants is that Theresa should be like her; so she convinced her at every given opportunity. She never liked Tobi because he is epileptic. They were all course mates in the university and Theresa happens to love Tobi’s brilliancy in spite of his disability and they both eventually got married after their education and had two children thereafter. Meanwhile, a knock comes in while she leaves the dancing floor to see who the visitor is. Behold Theresa enters). Suzy: Hello Theresa my friend! Theresa: Hi Suzy! (She hugs her) Suzy: To what do I owe this visit? I promised to come see you when Tobi was hospitalized but I never did. Oh sorry, about that. Please, forgive me. Theresa: Never mind Suzy. I have forgiven you a long time ago because of the nature of your business – today in Abuja, tomorrow in Lagos. Suzy: Thank you Theresa for your understanding. So how is Tobi doing now ….and your two nations? (They both take their sits as she put in sadly). Theresa: We are all fine; except for the problems creeping and leaping around us at the same time. Suzy: What is that supposed to mean when your husband is a bank manager? Theresa: My husband has been sacked. Suzy: What! Did he embezzle? Theresa: You know Tobi can’t do anything like. Suzy: You never can tell what people can do to get money. So why was he sacked then? Theresa: Nothing much than the usual. They complained of his health condition. Suzy: His health condition is that the only reason they gave for sacking him? Theresa: Of course, Suzy! Suzy: That’s wickedness….what cruelty! Theresa: That is the right word to use to describe their actions. It is man’s inhumanity to man. Suzy: But then, Theresa my dear friend, I want you to divorce that epileptic man. He has nothing good to offer you only shame. I have told you before and I’m still repeating myself again. (She starts narrating past tales of woes). Look at what happened in the beach, when he fell into that big river; if not for the timely rescue of the divers who saved the situation, we would have been singing a different song now. Thank God all the same! What shall we say of the fire incident that almost claimed his life and the ugliness of that sad moment? Imagine the public disgrace he gave you before the cream of the society during Kate’s wedding ceremony; when he was attacked by his usual epileptic fit. That is most disgraceful. Think about that Theresa. He is not the best man for you. You deserved a better man than him. This is the time to drop him and go out and look for an able-bodied man who will take good care of you and your children. (Trying hard to convince her to leave Tobi) Beauty you have it. Good looks and good smiles, you have them in abundance. You have all the qualities of a woman; a virtuous and a classic one at that. Your front and your back weapon can fire at any man without missing its targets. It is high time for you to divorce that epileptic course man. (While she is advising Theresa keep stirring at her with surprise). Theresa: Why do you hate Tobi this much? Suzy: I never liked that guy for once. Theresa: I thought as much from what is coming out of your mouth. Well the difference between us is love and hate for humanity. Suzy: Since you know that now. You may leave him to his fate. Theresa: I guess I have over stayed my welcome. (She rises intending to go) I quite appreciate your warm advice to leave Tobi but I can’t for now. Marriage is for better times and also for worse times like what we are going through now. You see Suzy, I love who you want me to divorce that is the irony of life. Goodbye! (She leaves) Suzy: Obstinate! Stubborn! You have been like that. “The iroko tree that never bends”. Fade Out Questions from Scene 3 1. Explain why Suzy wants Theresa to leave Tobi? 2. Give at least three reasons. 3. “Except for the problems creeping and leaping around us at the same time.” What literary device was used there? 4. What do two nations imply in the above scene? SCENE 4 (The scene rises as it reveals Tobi’s well-furnished flat. Tobi is sad. He is seen gazing into space in deep thoughts, thinking about what life has for him now that he is jobless. His two children
Sam and Ume enter from their apartment discontented with themselves over their unpaid school fee. They did not go to school that day that was the cause of their sad troubles. Their mother Theresa has since gone to work. She is a Civil Servant working in one of the State’s ministries. Tobi: Sam, how are you today? Sam: Daddy, we need our school fees today? Ume: Our principal wants it today. Tobi: Is that why you refused to go to school today? Ume: Yes daddy! Tobi: Alright, when your mother comes back we shall both find solutions to your school fees. Moreover, I am expecting some money in seven days’ time. Sam: Our examinations are coming very soon and we can’t afford to fail. Tobi: Alright, my son and daughter, I will not want you to fail your exams, God forbid that! You see, I just lost my job and things have been very difficult for me. I promised I shall provide the fees as soon as possible. This is a fee I used to pay even before school begins now stirring me at my face because I lost my job. Well things will bounce back soon when I get a new job soon. You can now go to your rooms let me think straight. (His speech suddenly changes into stammering) Go…go…to….your rooms. (They refuse to go as he gives a loud yell) Heeee! (As he falls down convulsing why Sam and Ume remain panicking) Ume: Amaka! Amaka! Daddy has started again. Daddy is dying. Sam: Please daddy stop! Please daddy stop! (Amaka runs in) Amaka: Let’s call doctor. (She runs to the telephone stand and makes a quick call) Hello doctor! Dr. Ofegor: Hello Amaka! Amaka: My oga is in his fit again. Dr. Ofegor: Stay claim! I will be there soon. Amaka: Alright doctor. (She hastily rushes to calm the crying children down when Dr. Ofegor followed by his medical team enters, meanwhile, Tobi’s epileptic-fit has stopped and they help him up to one of the chairs where he sits weakly and calmly). Dr. Ofegor: Are you alright Mr. Tobi? Tobi: Not exactly Dr. Ofegor. I still feel some pains around my neck and my joints. Dr. Ofegor: Abina please, take him to the ambulance. Amaka, take good care of the house; Daddy will be okay. (He consoles) Ume, tell your mother to meet us in the hospital. Ume: I will doctor. Fade Out Questions from scene 4 1. Why is Sam and Ume at home? 2. When Tobi had his epileptic seizure who did Amaka call? 3. What caused the panic in this scene? SCENE 5 (The scene rises as it reveals FEG MEDICAL CENTRE. In one of the wards, Tobi is seen with an infusion set into his right hand vein and a nurse is attending to him while his wife Theresa stands by watching her as she works. She later moves to see the doctor in his office. Dr. Ofegor is the Chief Medical Director of FEG Medical Centre, a private clinic owned by him.
He is a kindhearted person, a philanthropist and God fearing person. He came to know Tobi when his former bank had a retainer-ship with his clinic for members of its staffs. He became a very good friend of him and his family. He is a Neurologist that was why he could take care of him. Dr. Ofegor is married to Mrs. Ofegor and they both has a son named little Dave). Dr. Ofegor: Have your seat madam. Theresa: Thank you doctor. Dr. Ofegor: Well madam, as I was reliably informed by his former employer that they are no longer responsible for his medical treatment. They were kind enough to leave with me a deposit of two hundred thousand naira (N200,000) for any eventually that might arise as a result of this. So for so well, we have spent about twenty thousand naira (N20,000) for his medications. By His grace we shall continue his medical treatment from where they stopped. God will help me with that. Tobi is my friend and I will not allow him to suffer. The family’s monthly treatments still continue. Theresa: I appreciate Dr. Ofegor. God will continue to bless you and your family. Dr. Ofegor: I say a big amen to that. You see, madam your husband is perfectly okay. I wish to observe him for the next three days before he will be discharged. Theresa: I’m grateful doctor for your care. Dr. Ofegor: We shall see what we can do to get Tobi another job. That reminds me; bring his curriculum vitae tomorrow morning. Theresa: I am still wondering where you got your kindness from. I quite appreciate what you are doing for the family. Dr. Ofegor: It is my honorable service to humanity. Tobi deserves more than these. God will help us to do more for him. Do you know that helping people like you brings fulfillment to you? Theresa: Is that so? I now know why you are always kind and helping people. God will always keep you for us. (She rises) Please excuse me doctor, let me see my husband. Dr. Ofegor: Alright I will see him too. (They both leave to see Tobi in the ward) How are you doing, Mr. Tobi? Tobi: I’m much better doctor. Thank you for the medications. Dr. Ofegor: You’er welcome. I know Tobi you are eager to go home. Tobi: Yes doctor. I want to see my children. Dr. Ofegor: I know that you are missing them. You will go discharged in three days’ time God willing. Let me see other patients. Please excuse me! (He leaves) Tobi: Honey, please, draw closer. (Theresa draws closer and sits on the bed) I’m sorry for all the troubles I have caused you. Theresa: It wasn’t your fault. So no one can really blame anybody for it. (She consoles) It is okay! Tobi: You are my hope! You are my strength! Promise to take good care of us. Theresa: I promise Tobi. (She gives him a peck) Tobi: That is the spirit! So how are Sam and Ume doing and the maid Amaka? Theresa: They are all very fine and they extend their greetings. Tobi: Tell them I love them. (He sighs) Theresa: We all know that. That is why they are sorry for what they did. Tobi: Alright! Tell them I love them. Fade Out Questions from scene 5 1. Give reasons to prove the doctor’s love for Tobi and his family. 2. Which money was given to Dr. Ofegor and by whom? 3. What does observation mean and who is being observed? SCENE 6 (In Tobi’s home, the scene rises as it reveals Sam and Ume kneeling before their mother answering some questions which comes from her. Things are not looking too pleasant here as they have to answer and make some discoveries).
Theresa: How many times have I warned you and Ume not to bother your father for anything? How many times Sam and Ume? Sam: Many times mummy! Ume: We are sorry mummy! We don’t know what came over us. Sam: I will not do that again. Ume: we promised not to repeat it again. Theresa: Good! Now get up and sit down both of you. Sam: (They both rise and sit beside their mother) Thank you mummy! Theresa: I will make sure you resume school soon. Well a day after tomorrow. Ume: That’s great mummy! Sam: But mummy, what is wrong with daddy? Ume: I also have the same question for a very long time. Theresa: Nothing much Sam and Ume. Sam: Mummy, daddy keeps falling and shaking on the ground and you said nothing much. Ume: I know something is definitely wrong with daddy. Our landlord does not fall or shake like. Why is our father’s case like that? Theresa: My scholars am impressed by your quest. You see, your daddy is epileptic. Sam: And what is epileptic? Theresa: Epileptic is an adjective qualifying the noun epilepsy. He suffers from this epileptic crisis when he is tense or stressed up or distressed or when there is tension in his nervous system. It is an emotional disease that was why I asked you not to bother him over anything. Come straight to me.. Ume: So mummy, what is epileptic? Theresa: Epilepsy is a nervous disease which cause it victim to fall unconsciously and often violently too. Sam: Is that daddy’s illness? Theresa: Of course, my children. Let’s bear with daddy for now he will get over it soon. (Consoling them) Sam: Mummy, you are a strong woman. Ume: We will not trouble daddy for anything again since you have told this fact about our father. Sam: (Pledge) I…… Sam Tobi promised to be strong for my daddy. Yes, I love you daddy. Ume: (Pledge) I…… Ume Tobi promised to be strong for my mummy. Yes, I love you mummy. (They both embrace their mother). Theresa: I love you too! Fade Out Questions from scene 6 1. What is the main issue in this scene? 2. What is epilepsy? 3. Identify Theresa statement of faith. SCENE 7 (The scene rises as it reveals Suzy’s well-furnished flat where she is seen di
scussing with Theresa over her present plight. Theresa is sad and very worried. Meanwhile, Suzy seizes that opportunity to re-introduce once again her lifestyle and kind of business to her friend). Suzy: I feel for you Theresa. How much is their school fees? Theresa: It is eighty thousand naira (N80, 000) for both of them. Suzy: That’s a chicken change to Suzy. Wait for me, I will be with you soon. (She makes for her bedroom and returns carrying a bundle of currency notes). Take it; it is one hundred thousand naira only (N100, 000). Theresa: I’m grateful Suzy! (Surprise) My nightmare is over. Thank you so much. Suzy: It is my pleasure Theresa. You see, I always find pleasure in well doing. Theresa: I still appreciate your gestures. You’ve saved an unpleasant situation. Suzy: Splendid! You see, Theresa, I have something to tell you. Theresa: Speak-ooo! I can now hear you clearly. Suzy: Good, very good Theresa. I like that statement you just made. There is this business I wish to introduce you into. Theresa: Which is? Suzy: I have told you many times before but you have been refusing. Theresa: Oooh! Do you mean to say your way of life? Alright, I now remember what you are saying. Suzy: Yes, my dear friend. That is what you need to do now to save your family from hunger and starvation. It is a lucrative institution that can fetch you all the comforts of life you desire. You may be lucky to meet with one of these money miss-road men who may need your company; like I luckily ran into Chief Obinna who bought and furnished this house for me with all the luxuries you can find in it. Theresa: Hum! Is that so? It sounds so simple and easy! Suzy: Theresa my friend, that is where I am getting my money from or do you think I am robbing a bank? Theresa: Not at all! Tell me more. I wish to make money like you. (She becomes more interested in the gist). Suzy: That is the spirit Theresa! You will surely come across these millionaires. I know where to find them. Have you ever seen me complaining about the economy problems or financial problems? It is because these rich guys are there at my beck and call. All you just need to do is to play your card very well. Theresa: I shall! I’m in already. But you know that I am still married to Tobi. Suzy: Good! You see, Theresa, you are too good and beautiful for that epileptic man. (At that Theresa bows her head in sorrow). Break loose and free yourself from him. Besides, we shall address that issue when the time comes. Theresa: At this point I don’t wish to remember that Tobi and his woes again. I have heard your advice and I hope to give you a positive response very soon. Once again thank you for the money. Suzy: It is my pleasure! (Both of them rise) Theresa: Let me be going before my husband starts to complain about my where about? Suzy: Alright Theresa, remember what we discussed. Theresa: I will. (She nods in approval) Have a blessed night rest! Suzy: And you too. (She leaves) The iroko is now bending gradually. Money entices! Woo! Money speaks values and money you make the world go round! Fade Out Questions from scene 7 1. Why did Suzy give her the money? 2. What convinces Theresa? 3. Who is been referred to as the iroko tree here? 4. What does the bending of the iroko tree implies? SCENE 8 (The scene rises as it reveals Tobi’s well-furnished flat. He is seen reading a newspaper
in the sitting room when Theresa and her two children come out of the bedroom already prepared for school and work respectively. Sam and Ume left bidding their father farewell). Sam: Goodbye daddy! Tobi: Goodbye my son! Ume: Goodbye daddy! Tobi: Bye my daughter! (They both exit except their mother who goes in and returns again to pick her handbag from the dining table when she is accused by her husband). Theresa: Darling, I will be on my way too. (Intending to go away) Tobi: Not so fast Theresa. Where did you get the money to pay Sam and Ume school fees? I know the month has not ended yet. The governments have not paid its workers. So where did you get the money from? Theresa: I’m sorry. I totally forgot to tell you, (She hugs him warmly) because you slept early last night. (At that, he pushes her away). Tobi: Where did you get the money? Stop beating around the bush and hit the nail on the head. Theresa: I got it from my friend Suzy. Tobi: What! (Shouts) Suzy, your friend; that woman that has broken many home and snatched many husbands, that lady that every responsible woman avoids, you took my family matters to her without letting me know? That’s right! I guess she also paid their school fees? Theresa: (She nods). Yes honey! (Proudly) She gave me a helping hand because my salary won’t be enough to pay the school fees and cater for other expenses in the family. Tobi: O-o-oh! You might as well go into prostitution like her to make more money to cater for the family. Theresa: Tobi! Tobi! That is an unkind word. I wonder why you should imagine such evil against me. Tobi: I am talking from experience that is what covetous people do. When you are not content with what you have there is that tendency for you to go out of your way to make ends meet. Birds of the same feather flock together. That is a fact. Theresa: Tobi! Tobi! You are making your conclusions already and that is wrong. Tobi: Keep quiet my friend! You want to take advantage of my weak disposition to satisfy your lustful desires. Theresa: That is not true. I am ashamed of you. I suggest you see a psychiatrist this time around. Tobi: See who? Theresa: A psychiatrist……. Tobi: You are calling your husband a madman, abi? You are a stupid mad woman for that matter. (Boiling in anger) You are a mad woman! (He gives her a sound slap) Kpoza! Theresa: Yeee! (Shouting) My face! Tobi, you slapped me? (Burst into tears) After all I have done for you? You slapped me? Tobi: Done what? ...... Done what …… for whom? Why did you take our family issue to that whore you called a friend? (He attempts to add a second slap and withdraws it immediately. Theresa then gets a handkerchief from her handbag to wipe her tears. Tobi is just watch expectantly as she carries out her action). Theresa: I’m sorry very sorry darling husband. I don’t know what came over me. Please, forgive me! Tobi: Don’t try that again Theresa. Always tell me before taking any action on my family. I am still the head of this family. I know whom to get money from and whom not to get from. So don’t try that again. Theresa: I won’t. Tobi: Don’t repeat it again. Theresa: I won’t. That was what I said before and I mean it from my heart. You need to calm down because of your health. (At that Tobi’s is now very calm). Tobi: Please Theresa, I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. Please, forgive me, my love. That will not repeat itself again. Theresa: I have forgiven you already. (Turns to go to work) Take good care of yourself. Tobi: I will. Theresa: Goodbye darling! (She leaves). Fade Out Questions from scene 8 1. Why is Tobi angry with Theresa? 2. “Birds of the same feathers” refer to whom? 3. What do covetous people do according to Tobi? 4. Which word denotes madness in the above scene? SCENE 9 (In the evening of that same day, Theresa is seen thinking in the bedroom
on what she was earlier told by Suzy as her voice is heard recapping her previous convincing and enticing words to her). Suzy: But then, Theresa my dear friend, I want you to divorce that epileptic man. He has nothing to offer you only shame. I have told you before and I’m still repeating myself again. (She starts narrating past tales of woes). Look at what happened in the beach, when he fell into that big river; if not for the timely rescue of the divers who saved the situation, we would have been singing a different song now. Thank God all the same! What shall we say of the fire incident that almost claimed his life and the ugliness of that sad moment? Imagine the public disgrace he gave you before the cream of the society during Kate’s wedding ceremony; when he was attacked by usual epileptic fit. That is most disgraceful. Think about that Theresa. He is not the best man for you. You deserved a better man than him. This is the time to drop him and go out and look for an able-bodied man who will take good care of you and your children. (Trying hard to convince her to leave Tobi) Beauty you have it. Good looks and good smiles, you have them in abundance. You have all the qualities of a woman; a virtuous and a classic one at that. Your front and your back weapon can fire at any man without missing its targets. It is high time for you to divorce that epileptic course man. Yes, my dear friend. That is what you need to do now to save your family from hunger and starvation. It is a lucrative institution that can fetch you all the comforts of life you desire. You may be lucky to meet with one of these money miss-road men who may need your company; like I luckily ran into Chief Obinna who bought and furnished this house for me with all the luxuries you can find in it. Theresa: I wish to make money like you. (She becomes more interested in the gist). Suzy: That is the spirit Theresa! You will surely come across these millionaires. I know where to find them. Have you ever seen me complaining about the economy problems or financial problems? It is because these rich guys are there at my beck and call. All you just need to do is to play your card very well. Theresa: I shall! I’m in already. But you know that I am still married to Tobi. Suzy: Good! You see, Theresa, you are too good and beautiful for that epileptic Tobi. (At that Theresa bows her head in sorrow). Break loose and free yourself from him. Besides, we shall address that issue when the time comes. Theresa: At this point I don’t wish to remember that Tobi and his woes again. I have your advice and I hope to give you a positive response very soon. Once again thank you for the money. Suzy: It is my pleasure! Theresa: Hum interesting! I never knew that I have these enticing weapons. I can now see reasons with you. I can now understand why men keep following behind. Suzy, you have a very sharp eyes and good thoughts. (Pause) If he could raise his hands on me what would he not do next? It means it does not deserve me and what I am doing to support him and the family. We shall see! Fade Out Questions from scene 9 1. What literary device is used in this scene? 2. Identify Theresa’s consent in this scene. 3. This scene shows that Theresa is yet to forgive Tobi, discuss. SCENE 10 (At about 7:00pm in the evening in Tobi’s apartment Theresa is seen in the bedroom putting finishing touches to her dress. She is putting on a party wear ready to go out with her handbag handing on her left shoulders.
After the dressing, she enters the sitting room calling Ume). Theresa: Ume! Ume! Ume: Yes, mummy! (She runs out of the kitchen where she has been helping Amaka with some domestic chore) Theresa: Where is Sam, your brother? Ume: He is watching his school uniform outside. (All the while Ume has been looking at her mother’s dressing surprisingly). Mum! Theresa: Yes, Ume! Ume: I don’t like this dress. Theresa: Why Ume! Ume: It is seductive. Theresa: Shut up! Who thought you that, Ume? Ume: It’s you mummy. You said any dress that is short and revealing a lady’s special features or part of her body is seductive. My teacher added that the purpose of dressing is to cover one’s nakedness that any dress that does not cover one’s nakedness is a bad dressing. Theresa: Yes, that is true! Never mind, my dressing is exceptional and sophisticated, just for tonight. At least, one should not always dress like a ‘Reverend Sister’ all the time. You should be free to express yourself some time by what you are putting on. Ume: So mummy, are you going to a party? Theresa: Not really, but, I’m going to a Social Wake of a colleague’s grandmother who died just this morning. According to their customs and traditions their bodies do not stay more than twenty-four hours or else they’ll be faced with wrath from the gods of their land; that is why they have to bury her today and I was sent as one of the delegates to represent the Ministry at the ceremony. Ume: Alright mummy, my condolence to them. Theresa: I shall be on my way now. Tell daddy when he comes back. Ume: Goodbye mum! Theresa: Goodbye Ume! (Leaves) Fades Out Questions from scene 10 1. Where is Theresa dressed for according to her? 2. What do you understand by seductive dressing as defined in the play? SCENE 11 (The scene rises as it reveals Suzy’s well-furnished flat. Suzy is seen putting finishing touches to her dressing too on like Theresa they were both dressed in like seductive attire.
The difference in their dresses is in their colors as they put on opposite colors. Theresa sits down waiting for her). Suzy: So Tobi would go as far as slapping you? Theresa: Yes, o! Suzy: That’s wicked! (Exclaims) What did you do then? Theresa: Nothing just nothing. I don’t want to be tagged a ‘husband beater’. Suzy: I don’t want to be tagged a ‘husband beater’. Good wife. I must tell you that Tobi don’t deserve you and what you are doing for him and his family. Theresa: I thought as much! If he could slap me because I told you my problems and you helped me to solve them. I am beginning to see reasons with you now when you said he does not deserved me and what I am doing for him and his family. Suzy: That’s right! So shall we? Theresa: Yes! (They both leave). Fade Out Questions from scene 11 1. Do you know where they are going to? 2. Is this the Social Wake? SCENE 12 (The scene rises as it reveals one of the modern hotels in the state. Suzy and Theresa walk and sit in a quiet corner discussing as a waiter approaches them with some bottles of fruit juice which they began to sip as they talk on. Meanwhile, a young man sitting afar off was captivated at their beauty and immediately became interested
in both ladies as he started gazing at them at every given opportunity. Alex was with two of his male friends who came for a different purpose when he set eyes on them. He is a young man in his early thirties and unmarried too. Though not a millionaire, he looks fairly comfortable). Theresa: Why is he stirring at us like that? (Referring to Alex) Suzy: It is usual Theresa. At least, they should stir at the commodity they wish to buy. So let him stir at us. We are stocks in trade. Here he comes. (She starts making gestures) Just play your card very well. Theresa: Trust me! Alex: I’m Alex. Suzy: I’m Swiss. Lady Swiss! (That is her cover name). Alex: I like the sound of your name. Lady Swiss! Can we see in camera? Suzy: Of course! Why am I here? (Suzy rises and follow him behind bidding Theresa goodbye and whispering into her ears before she leaves. Thereafter the Waiter brought another soft drink and Theresa starts pouring it into the glass when Chief Muda enters and sits close to her admiring her. Seeing him near her she feels a little bit uncomfortable). Chief Muda: Calm down! I don’t bite; neither am I harmful. I am Chief Muda the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Muda International, Overseas and Nigeria – Importer and Exporter of household’s utensils. I have good business relations internationally and locally. My reputations can’t be compared with any other businessman’s; in fact, I came back from Califrornia, U.S.A yester-night. Theresa: You’re welcome very welcome Chief Muda! (Smiling happily now) At least, Suzy is right after all. (She says to herself) This big fish will not swim away. I swore by the gods. Chief Muda: Are you talking to me? Theresa: No Chief! Chief Muda: Alright. What is your name? Theresa: I’m Theresa. Chief Muda: What a nice name. Your name reminds me of ‘Mother Theresa’ of blessed memory. Never mind, can we go to my chalet to discuss. Theresa: Alright Chief. (They rise when the Waiter approaches them) Waiter: Please madam, you have not paid for the drinks. Theresa: I’m very sorry Waiter. I totally forgot. (She opens her hand bag). Chief Muda: That’s alright I will take care of that. Add whatever she drunk to my account. Waiter: Okay Chief. (They both leaves) International Chief Muda! You are the greatest business guru I know. (IN THE CHALET – Chief Muda and Theresa were seen eating. Chief Muda is a Responsible man who doesn’t rushed any woman to accept him. He could be rash most times when he is offended. Chief Muda wants a child who will inherit his verse properties and business empire.
Felicia his wife has not been able to give him one since they got married ten years ago. She on the other hand, dislikes seeing women around chief whether she is his business partner or otherwise. He is a young man of forty=seven years old. After finishing with the food they both move to the sitting room where they continue their discussion. To crown it all Chief Muda is very generous, one of the few men who gives from their hearts). Theresa: As I was saying before we stopped; the responsibility of the family rests on my shoulders to carry and bear; no one to run to, and my meager salary wasn’t enough to cater for the family need. I then decided on this venture as an additional occupation so that we would get a decent living. Today is my first attempt on this job. Chief Muda: I do not doubt you at all because I have not seen you here before. I’m very sorry dear Theresa! You would not have gone through such hard times if you had met me in the first place. You never strike me like a whore. But since you have cleared the doubts in my mind, I think I like you, that is, why I gave you the opportunity to din with me. But on the contrary, (Pause) I want you to be my wife. Theresa: Chief Muda, are you saying that I should divorce my husband? Chief Muda: Well, that is exactly what you should do now to be free from these financial problems. (At that, she bows her head and raises it up in tears) Cheer up! Theresa! I know that what you are passing through is not easy I just offered you the best solution if you will allow me take good care of you. Let those responsibilities be mine to bear. Excuse me! (He makes for his portfolio and brings out a bundle of currency note). Take this; it’s a token sum of two hundred thousand naira. (N200, 000:00K) Theresa: (She accepts it) Thank you Chief. (She hugs him) Chief Muda: There is more where that came from if you agree to my proposal you shall have more of these goodies. If you give me a son you shall have half of my kingdom and be treated like a queen. Theresa: I will consider what you said chief. Chief Muda: I will be waiting for your reply. Let me catch some sleep we shall talk tomorrow. Theresa: Alright Chief! Chief Muda: You can sleep in the other room. Good night Theresa! Theresa: Have a blessed night chief. (She goes to the other room). Fade Out Questions from scene 12 1. Why was Theresa happy when she met Chief Muda? 2. What was chief Muda interested in? SCENE 13 (The scene rises as it reveals Tobi’s well-furnished flat. He is seen pleading with his landlord over unpaid rents. The landlord did not come to sympathize with him but to collect his rents and replaced it with his properties if need be. He was accompanied by two of his children Vero and Victor.
The landlord is very aggressive when he is making his demands, Vero and Victor are only waiting patiently to carry out their father’s order and Victor on the other hand pitied the poor and epileptic Tobi. Meanwhile, Ume, Sam and Amaka their housemaid were watching helplessly). Tobi: I did not refuse to pay my rents; I only said I will pay it as soon as it possible for me to do so. Landlord, you knew what I am going through. You knew I just lost my job few months ago. Before now I never owe you any rents. I always make payment in advance. Just bear with me for some time. Landlord: You must be joking, Mr. Tobi. I want my rents paid today or else I will substitute it with your electronic gadgets pending when you would pay me. Tobi: Please landlord, I am begging you with whatever you hold sacred. I will get another job soon. Vero: When is the soon Mr. Tobi? We need our money now not your kind of soon. We are only waiting for the command to act. Landlord: Mr. Soon, I will only hear your appeal and believe it if you would pay your four months rents today and we shall become good friends again. At least, I have been patient enough. Haven’t I? Vero: Yes, you have, papa! Tobi: Alright landlord. I already knew why you came here if I beg you from today till tomorrow that will not change anything. Take what you came for that is exactly what you did to Papa Andrew when he could not pay your rent for some reasons. Landlord: I’m glad you ready know. I like people when they talk like this meaning that they know what to expect from people like us. That’s good enough; it means you will not disturb me when I am doing my job. Tobi: I had been expecting this a long time ago because you have never accepted no for an answer not from any of your tenants who fail to your rents when the months end. (He sits down) Sam! Ume! Amaka! Go to your rooms! (They leave) Well, landlord, you can now take what you came for. Landlord: I like that Mr. Tobi. You just talked like a real debtor. (He burst out laughing at him) Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Victor! Victor: Yes papa! Let’s be patient with him for some time. What has happened to him could happen to anybody even to your children? Landlord: Shut up Victor! Whose side are you? Vero: Obviously, he is against you papa. Victor is always like that when it comes to matters of this nature; he is always very weak minded and sympathetic. Landlord: Sometimes I wonder what you will do to these properties when I am gone. Why are you my first child? You are too weak for my likened. Vero: I wonder too. You are not like papa at all. Landlord: Victor, get hold of the TV and take it to my parlor. (He obeys reluctantly) Vero, my daughter! Vero: Yes papa! (Eagerly) Landlord: Bring the Disc player along. (She obeys with zest) It has been nice doing business with you, Mr. Tobi. (As they were about leaving Theresa enters). Theresa: Ha-ha! What is going on here? Landlord: Pay your rents…… Vero: We need it now or else……… Theresa: Or else what? Just look at the time, it is 7:00am in the morning. It is too early to make troubles. You people are always like this when you need your money.
(She opens her handbag and brings out some money and pays the rent to the amazement of all of them). Take your money and drop those electronics in their various positions neatly. (They obeys and Vero and Victor leaves shamefully) Landlord: That’s good and virtuous! You see, I was only demanding for what is mine. Thank you for the payments. I will bring your receipt very soon. Theresa: Landlord, you can go now you have your money already. Landlord: We are not quarreling madam; I just came to take what belongs to me. At least, the landlord is worthy of his rents as well as you workers are worthy of your wages. So we are fighting the same cause. Theresa: Oga landlord, you can go with your troubles. You have the rents now I wonder what you still want. I wish to be with my family joo! Landlord: Sorry-o! We are not quarreling. We can only quarrel if you owe me and become friends again when you have paid your rents. (He leaves shamefully). Tobi: You are really helping me. I’m very sorry for what I did the other day. Theresa: You mean that sound slap. Never mind, I deserved such a nice treat. Tobi: Don’t talk like that Theresa. I don’t know what came over me that day. I’m sorry my sweet heart. Theresa: It’s okay! (She hugs him and calls) Amaka! Amaka: Yes, ma! Welcome madam. Theresa: How are you? Amaka: Fine ma. Theresa: Go and get ready for the market and call me Sam and Ume. Amaka: Alright ma. (She leaves). Fade Out Questions from scene 13 1. What is going on here? 2. Differentiate between Victor and Vero? 3. Who rescue the situation here? 4. Identify a statement which shows that Theresa is yet to forgive Tobi? SCENE 14 (The scene rises as it reveals Suzy’s well-furnished flat.
She is seen chatting with Theresa over their adventure the previous nights). Suzy: so how was your own side of the story? Theresa: Interesting! (Beaming with smiles) Soon after you left with Alex, a middle aged man came around and sat close to me and introduced himself as the C.E.O of Muda international Overseas and Nigeria. I am Chief Muda, he proudly said. Suzy: Woo! You are lucky very lucky Theresa. That is one of the biggest fishes in the Nigeria waters; I mean, he is a ‘big boy’. When I told you I know where to find these men, did you believe me? Theresa: I never doubted you before because I knew that that is your field. At least, my meeting with Chief Muda has made me believed in you the more. Suzy: Thank you for believing me. At least, I have given you one of best option in life go and use it and get the most out of life. Theresa: But there is a problem? Suzy: What is it, Theresa? Theresa: Chief wants me to marry me. Suzy: Lucky you! That is no problem at all. It is a beautiful problem at that. So what did you tell him? Theresa: What do you want me to say when I am still living under a man? Suzy: (Angrily) A times you make me feel ashamed by your foolishness and stupidity. You have just caught one of the biggest fish in the Nigerian waters and you want to let it swim away because of that thing you called a husband. (Theresa bows her head sorrowfully as Suzy becomes claim again). I’m very sorry, if that offends you. (Softly) Listen Theresa, this is another opportunity provided by the gods to set you free from Tobi and his troubles; make good use of it. Theresa: So what do you want me to do in this situation? Suzy: Now you are talking like I want. I will tell you what to do later. (Just then, her phone rings, she looks at it and shouted) Ah, it is Alhaji. (She walks away to a corner) Hello Alhaji! Fade Out Questions from scene 14 1. What opportunity Suzy seeing? 2. What is going on here? SCENE 15 (The scene rises as it reveals Tobi’s bedroom. Theresa is seen preparing a poisonous syringe given to her by her instigator and friend. Meanwhile, Tobi is in the sitting room watching a home movie.
After finishing she joins him in the sitting room watching with him. Together they both watched and later Theresa begins to feel sleepy and demanded they go to bed). Theresa: Let’s go to bed I feel sleepy. (She rises to lock the windows and doors and make other security checks before going away). Good night darling! (She gives him a peck). Tobi: Good night sweet heart! I will join you later. Theresa: Alright dear! (As she makes for the bedroom where she jumps into the bed and sleeps pretentiously). Tobi: I forgot to tell Theresa of my interview tomorrow. Well, I will tell her in the morning. Let me go to bed too to sleep early so that I can wake up early to get ready for the interview. (He stands to his feet and walks down to switch off the television set and moves straight to the bedroom where he enters the bed gently and slept too. In the middle of the night the devil came to him. Tobi was now fast asleep when Theresa woke up and got the deadly syringe from the drawer where it was kept by her. She carefully applies it into Tobi’s anus whenhe wakesup and streams painfully). What Theresa? It hurts! You are killing me. Theresa: Sorry Tobi! I love you! (Ironically) Tobi: I love you Theresa! (Ignorantly, he falls back asleep again. But an unseen voice puts in). Voice: Sleep no more! Theresa shall sleep no more! She has murdered sleep! Theresa has murdered sleep! (The voice echoes away. She fearfully runs to dispose the syringe and returns confusingly to sleep in the bed). Theresa: What have I done? (She continues her sleep again. At dawn she checks him to know whether he is still breathing and discovers that he has gone to the world beyond. She gives a loud yell indicating the occurrence of a bad omen and her household rush in panicking). Tobi! Tobi! Yeee! Tobi! Ume: Mummy, what is the matter with daddy? Sam: Why is daddy like that? Theresa: Daddy has just passed on. (They all burst out crying) Amaka: Oga, please come back. Theresa: Amaka, please call Doctor Ofegor. Amaka: Yes madam! (She rushes to the sitting room where she makes the call). Fade Out Questions from scene 15 1. Can you access what is going on here? 2. Who do you think instigated this action? SCENE 16 (The scene rises as it reveals Suzy’s car driving into late Tobi’s premises; she halts and come out of the car and makes straight for the door. Few minutes later, Chief Muda drivers in, in his exotic car as well and subsequently makes for the door where he knocks. Meanwhile, mother, son, daughter, Suzy, Amaka, Victor, Vero and landlord were all mourning the late Tobi who died few hours ago.
Suzy and Theresa are mourning pretentiously knowing what others don’t know about what they knew about Tobi’s demised. What has transpired is only known to both of them. As the knocks comes in Amaka runs to open the door to usher in the victor. Behold it is Chief Muda. He walks down to Theresa to console her). Chief Muda: It is okay, Theresa. Stop crying! God knows the best. He knows why Tobi had to go now that we need him most. Theresa: If this is a dream I want to wake up. Chief Muda: All will be well soon. (Sits down) I’m sorry over the death of your husband. I came as soon as I heard your call. I wonder why this has to happen now. Theresa: That is death snatching a precious soul away just like that. Landlord: Madam Theresa, what has happened as happened there is nothing we can do now to bring him back. Oh Tobi! How I wish you could stay a little much longer. Well he is in a better place now; he cannot come to us again, but we shall all go to join him someday. (He sighs) Wipe your tears madam. (He leaves sorrowfully). Suzy: Wipe your tears Theresa. There is nothing we can do when such tragedy stroke. You can’t bring Tobi back, not anyone of us; it is most painful that it had to take Tobi away like the northeast wind. O, death why do you always come without a notice? Theresa: Oh Tobi! Why did you go like that? “Like a candle in the wind you were having none to hold when the rain sets in”. Tobi, rest be yours! All: Amen! Chief Muda: Who was that man? Theresa: He is our landlord. Chief Muda: I thought as much. You see, Theresa, death is inevitable to all mortals on this planet. It is one thing that is common to all living thing; whether rich or poor. It is what we cannot question the Maker about. Well, I see death as a necessary end to all living being. In fact, we owe death one thing or the other and we must all pay someday. Listen every one of you; death is an end to man’s wickedness and misbehaviors on earth. So wipe your tears. Cheer up once again and let us deliberate on how to give Tobi a befitting burial and how to attend to other needs; so that we could move forward in life. Suzy: That’s great Chief Muda! I support that. Chief Muda: What do you think, madam? Theresa: No objection Chief. Please let me talk with doctor Ofegor and get information from him. (She moves to the telephone stand where she calls). Hello Doctor! Dr. Ofegor: Hello Madam! Can I help you? (Dr. Ofegor is not friendly here because he is still shocked over the death of Tobi whom he saw very healthy the previous day before he was reported dead by his wife). Theresa: Can I have Tobi’s remains for burial tomorrow? Dr. Ofegor: No madam! I thought we agreed on fourteen days’ time why the sudden change of plans? Theresa: Nothing doctor. I changed the plans because I don’t want him to stay at the mortuary for too long. Dr. Ofegor: Good! I will inform you as soon as the body is ready. We are currently carrying a post-mortem examination to ascertain the actual cause of death so that we could prevent future occurrence in the family. (On hearing that Theresa becomes upset and puts in angrily). Theresa: Who sent you that nonsense? Dr. Ofegor: Madam, you called post-mortem examination nonsense? I’m very sorry! Theresa: That is your cup of tea and business to deal with. For your information, our tradition does not believe in anything called post-mortem examination or the cross examination of a dead man. What do you want to ascertain? Will that bring him back again? The man is dead and gone. Why bother yourself over him? Let the sleeping dog lies fallow. (She drops the phone angrily while Suzy stylishly a corner). Suzy: What has come over you? Why are you talking to doctor Ofegor like that? Do not create any room for suspicion at all. Remember; do not call my name-o. (They return to their seats again). Theresa: I’m sorry Chief. I was upset by what he said. I don’t believe in any of his medical jargons. Chief Muda: It is alright, madam. He is the doctor here. He may be right with what he just said. He loves Tobi so much. Just allow him to carry out the autopsy for conscience seeks. suzy: That’s huge! Theresa: Okay Chief. Chief Muda: never mind Theresa, we shall walk things out. Sam: Please Sir, who are you to this family? Because my father never mentioned your name nor did my mother. (That makes Theresa uncomfortable and Chief had to lie confidently to cover up). Chief Muda: Brilliant! I love that Sam. You are really intelligent! I met your late father in the bank two years ago when I went to cash a foreign draft. He helped me out that day with the transaction and made it easy for me because I had a flight to catch going to California, in the United States of America. His competence endeared me to him and we became friends. When I heard this sad news I quickly left what I was doing and run here, as a mark of respect to the falling hero. I called him my champion. Sam: That’s great Chief. A champion, Ume, he said daddy was his champion. (Happily) Woo! Again Chief…………….(Suzy cuts in to save Chief Muda from answering further questions from Sam). Suzy: Alright Sam. Amaka, all of you should go to your rooms. We have a very serious issue to discuss now. We don’t need any distractions. (They all leave).Chief that was a very tempting question. I saw it coming from the way he was always looking at you. Theresa: That is my son Sam, always questioning everything he sees to get every details of them. You may not know when you will let out the cat out of the bag. Chief Muda: You did not tell me that you have a crafty child like Sam. That question was too tempting. I never expected that from him. Suzy: That was why I stylishly sent them away. Theresa: Suzy thank you for that. Chief you gave him an intelligent answer too. My son and daughter are very crafty though I will still handle them until they completely submit to my authority. Chief Muda: Are you sure? Theresa: Trust me Chief on that, I will take come of it when the time comes. Chief Muda: Good! Fade out Questions from scene 16 1. What is post-mortem examination? 2. Why is Theresa against the post-mortem examination? 3. Who lied in the above scene and why? SCENE 17 (The scene rises as it reveals FEG MEDICAL CENTRE.
Nurses are seen carrying out their various daily routines while Dr. Ofegor is seen in a sorrowful mood wondering what killed Tobi). Dr. Ofegor: Why did she have to drop the phone in that harsh manner? I am suspecting something fishing here. I hope it is not what I’m thinking? Nevertheless, I have not seen or heard of any African traditional beliefs going against the post mortem or the autopsy of the dead. Too late, we have concluded the autopsy and we have almost concluded it. I must get to the roots of this case. Tobi can’t die like that, at least, something or somebody should tell us the truth, not what she told us before. I don’t believe her story. (Just then, a knock comes in and Abina his laboratory superintendent enters). Abina: Good day doc! Here is Tobi’s autopsy result. (Gives him and leaves living doctor study the result). Dr. Ofegor: Good job! You can go now. Please don’t forget to send me Mr. Johnson’s X-ray result. (Leaves) Abina: Alright Doc! Dr. Ofegor: (He peers into the result closely).That was why I insisted on his autopsy result just to know the actual cause of death and to prevent future occurrences. (Pause) Imagine! A chemical what? …….Substance?.........Found in his abdomen………Found again in his bowels and vessels. How did it get there? Wonders shall always be on this planet. I will investigate this! Fade Out Questions from scene 17 1. What is autopsy? 2. Why did Dr. Ofegor insist on Tobi’s autopsy? SCENE 18 (The scene rises as it reveals Tobi’s well-furnished flat. The flat is now different and looking more polished than how it used to be when Tobi was alive. One could easily conclude that Chief Muda has had a touch on the flat as it is now wearing a new look. The settees and the dining table sets now are looking brand new.
There are new electronic sets too. Dr. Ofegor was always looking surprisingly at the obvious changes in the flat. He came for a different mission: that is to get some vital information from the children about their father’s sudden demised. He is seen interrogating Sam and Ume because of his findings in the autopsy result). Dr. Ofegor: What did your father ate the night before he was reported dead, the following morning? Sam: Daddy ate rice. Dr. Ofegor: Did he eat the rice alone? Ume: No doctor. We all eat the rice together from the same pot and from the same source of cooking. Dr. Ofegor: I see! So who cooked the food that day? Was it your mother or Amaka? Ume: No! Not mummy! Amaka did doctor. I assisted her with the cooking. (Amaka hearing her name runs out to defend herself). Amaka: I plead with my life; I have not killed before and I will never kill in the future. I did not kill Oga. If you are suspecting food poison, we all ate the food together. We all would have died together with Oga. Why are we not all dead? Why did Oga died alone; when we all ate the said food. I am not a killer. I am pleading with you, Ume. Dr. Ofegor: Come off it Amaka nobody is accusing you of killing Oga. Amaka: Then why did she call my name in the matter? Sam: I can’t understand why doctor is asking us all these questions or are you suspecting anything or anyone killing daddy? Dr. Ofegor: Not really. (He rises to go) Your house is now wearing a new look. Your mother must have been taking good care of you. Sam: It is Chief Muda, one of daddy’s friends. Dr. Ofegor: I see! Well say me well to mummy when she comes back. (He leaves). Ume: I will. Goodbye doctor! (About ten minutes later, Theresa and Nurse Rosemary enter; she is one of Dr. Ofegor’s nurses and friend too). Theresa: Home sweet home! Ume: Welcome mummy! Sam: Welcome mummy! Amaka: Welcome madam! (She walks to her and carries her handbag to the bedroom). Ume: Doctor just left here some ten minutes ago. Theresa: Which of the doctors? Ume: Doctor Ofegor, of course. Rosemary: Oh my boss! I must go now before he gets to the Clinic before me? Theresa: You can’t do that Nurse Rosemary. Tell him you came to console me over the death of my late husband. Simple as that! Rosemary: If you insist. Theresa: I do insist. Have your sit and make yourself comfortable. (She sits and Theresa too while Sam and Ume quietly leave the sitting room. Rosemary is busy admiring her expensive dress and her good looks). Rosemary: You have not told me what is responsible for your good looks. Every passing day you look fresher and fresher and more beautiful just to say the least. Theresa: Rosemary, I am a Civil Servant: a government worker for that matter. Rosemary: I know that. A civil servant’s salary cannot make you ‘glo’ like this based on your level. Or are you robbing the Centre Bank of Naija? Theresa: No Rosemary. I won’t think of doing that. Do you want them to jail me for life? Rosemary: No my friend. So what is the secret behind your good looks and sudden success? Theresa: Well it is peace of mind, good rest and money. In fact, when you have someone who has money at your beck and call you are bound to look good. Rosemary: Are you saying that Tobi was giving you troubles? Theresa: I never said so. Rosemary: Tell me something…….. (She cuts in) Theresa: Can you keep a little secret? Rosemary: I think I can; provided it will not ache my ears. Theresa: It won’t. You see, my friend, I recently met one of the biggest boys in town, who is responsible for the changes and brightness you can see around this place. He cares for us and provides for all our needs. He is a real father to us. We are not missing Tobi at all. I think I am going to marry him. Rosemary: What! What! What do you want people to say, that you have a hand in your husband’s death? Do you also realize that Tobi is still in the mortuary? What do you want people to conclude? Theresa: Let them say anything or everything they wish to say. Whether you do well they will talk. Whether it is bad they will still talk. So let them say anything they want to say. Rosemary: I can see that you don’t really care about what people will say. Have you told Dr. Ofegor about this development? Theresa: There is no need Nurse Rosemary. He will kick against it and start preaching again. Rosemary: Well my dear sister. I must tell you the truth, if you could not tell a man like doctor Ofegor about this; it means that whatever you are doing with Chief Muda or whoever, is wrong and devilish. That reminds me, your husband just died two week ago and you have already catch one of the biggest boys in town or did you meet before Tobi died? Theresa: What an insult! (Rises angrily) ‘Oya’ get up; you have over stayed your welcome before you will now say that I killed my husband to run after another man. Rosemary: We are not quarreling. Theresa…… Theresa: I know that we are not quarreling but the door is there for you to use before you start to insult me again. Rosemary: Okay, I’m very sorry! But you still need to tell Dr. Ofegor considering how he has been helpful to this family. Theresa: I hear you. You can go now. (She points the door to her). Rosemary: Is it because I told you the truth? If, that be the case, (No answer) then have a nice day! (She leaves) Theresa: And you too. I don’t know what is wrong with you all. He has indoctrinated all of you with his teachings. Fade Out Questions from scene 18 1. Why did Dr. Ofegor interrogated Sam and Ume? 2. Who did Theresa asked to go and why? 3. ‘He has indoctrinated all of you with his teachings’. Who is that statement referring to? SCENE 19 (The scene rises as it reveals Ministry of Finance. Theresa is seen typing some documents for her boss who is about leaving the office. She is the Secretary in charge of all documents and mails coming and going out of the Ministry.
All documents must pass through her office before getting to their destinations. Her office has a computer where she carries out most of her tasks and is well-furnished and directly next to the Director’s office. Her boss the Director of Finance enters). Theresa: Good Morning Madam! Director: Hello Mrs. Tobi! How are you doing today? Theresa: I’m not doing badly madam. Director: Obviously! Hum! Theresa, I much say I’m impressed with your good looks; nobody could tell that you recently lost your husband. I really commend your efforts. You are looking nice my dear, keep it up. Theresa: Thank you Boss. I quite appreciate your support since I lost my husband. Director: That’s little. Are you done typing those documents? Theresa: Yes madam. Director: Good! That’s competence and hard work. When I come back I shall go through them and edit where it is necessary before sending them to the Commissioner’s office for approval. (She turns to go) That reminds me, we shall send a high powered delegation to your late husband’s funeral. The Commissioner of Finance approved it two days ago. I shall give him more details when I see him later in the day. Theresa: Thank you madam. I’m pleased to have you as my boss. Extend my greetings to the Commissioner. Director: Once again, we are deeply sorry for the loss of your husband. Theresa: I appreciate you and the Ministry. Director: Also your leave was approval this morning. It means I will be missing you for one full month. Theresa: Don’t worry madam; I will be coming around occasionally to see you. Director: Alright Theresa. (She leaves). Fade Out Questions from scene 19 1. Name two things that was approved for Theresa? 2. What do you understand by high powered delegation? SCENE 20 (The scene rises as it reveals another sophisticated five star hotel in the city. Chief Muda and Theresa are seen dining amidst cool music coming from a live band playing on the stage.
She seizes the opportunity to break the surprise news to him after some doxology she poured on him). Theresa: After many days of woes, after many disgraceful moments, after many waters had passed under the bridge. I still met the hero of my life and Theresa landed on that long awaited blissful planet; in riches untold and an unspeakable wealth. (Beaming with smiles) You are heaven sent! Chief Muda: In riches untold and an unspeakable wealth and your heaven sent. I like your choice of words, they pleased me well. I must confess that I’m very pleased with you. You are not like Felicia my wife. Your lines of doxologies says it all and show how happy you have been since you met me. Theresa: Chief, you are God sent. (They both burst out laughing as she put in the surprising news). I have good news for you, Chief. Chief Muda: I can’t wait Theresa spill it out. I am very ready to accept anything coming from you, my love. Theresa: I am carrying your baby. (Beaming with smiles) I am pregnant for you, Chief Muda. Chief Muda: Great heaven! Do you mean what you just said? (To himself) So I can still make a woman pregnant. Theresa: Yes Chief! I have never been a comic actor. Chief Muda: Thank you Theresa. That shows that I could father a child you just prove Felicia wrong who thinks otherwise, Please, keep the pregnancy for me, I shall do all that is required of me. That was why I said I want to marry you my mind told that day when I first met you that you can give me what I long for in a woman. Theresa: Alright Chief. I now feel fulfilled. Chief Muda: You are indeed very fruitful. I will do all within my powers and that of money to make you my second wife. Though Felicia is there you will be my favorite because of my seed that you are carry in your womb. Theresa: Never mind, chief, we are destined to be together. Nothing to fear; the stage is cleared. Chief Muda: My fears are Sam and Ume. Will they ever accept me as their foster father? Theresa: They have no choice in this situation. Trust me; I will take care of that when the time comes. I will change their school and send them to a Boarding School far away from here so that we could be alone. Chief Muda: I trust you. You were really right when you said the stage is cleared. I can now understand you better. Theresa: But chief, it is time you take me to your house, since destiny brought us together we have been meeting from one hotel to the other or do you want your child to be born outside your home like an illegitimate child. Chief muda: The heavens forbid it! I will take you to my house next weekend and introduce you to my first wife Felicia. My first must not be born outside my home. Theresa: That would be nice. Fade Out Questions from scene 20 1. Was Chief Muda happy with Theresa’s pregnancy? 2. Quote a line to support your claim. 3. Define the following: (i) Legitimate (ii) Illegitimate SCENE 21 (The scene rises as it reveals Dr. Ofegor’s office where he is seen going through some case notes lying on his table. He gets his intercom and calls some of his nurses.
Nurse Rosemary enters followed behind by Theresa looking at the doctor furiously). Nurse Rosemary: Good Morning Doctor! Dr. Ofegor: Good Morning Nurse Rosemary! Has John supplied the drugs? Nurse Rosemary: No doctor. Dr. Ofegor: Alright. Tell him to see me before noon. Nurse Rosemary: I will doctor. (She leaves) Dr. Ofegor: Can we help you madam? Theresa: No doctor! (She nods in disapproval and gives him a wild look) Dr. Ofegor: Am I safe madam? Because I can’t understand why you are looking at me like that. Theresa: You are not far from the truth Dr. Ofegor. Dr. Ofegor: And what is the problem, Mrs. Tobi? Theresa: “You just hit the nail on the head”. Let me warn you doctor; stop pestering my children over their father’s death. They did not kill their father as you think. We are not murderers. If you repeat it again you would never like my horrors. Dr. Ofegor: Something is wrong somewhere? Is this the real you? Do you realize that this is Dr. Ofegor? Theresa: Yes doctor. Dr. Ofegor: If, yes then why are you doing this to me? Theresa: (Burst out laughing) Just leave us alone! We are not killers. (Shouting) Leave me and my children alone. Dr. Ofegor: I can see you need medical help. Theresa: Shame! Shame on you! You are the one who needs medical help. (Clapping at him) Dr. Ofegor: What has come over you or are you possessed by some wicked forces? Theresa: You think so? (Sits down) Dr. Ofegor: Of course! From all you have been saying since you entered my office shows that something is wrong with you. Theresa: I see doctor, I will be more polite next time but today I’m in a bad mood. Please accept my sympathy! Dr. Ofegor: You better be Theresa. The autopsy we carried out revealed that your late husband died of some poisonous chemical substances. Theresa: You still went ahead with the autopsy after against my instructions and warnings. Dr. Ofegor: That is the least I could do for a friend like Tobi. No human being dies without a cause. Theresa: Okay…Alright, I see! Dr. Ofegor: Well Tobi did not die of cold as you claimed. You are going to stand before a medical panel next week to prove how Tobi died of cold in that ungodly hour. Theresa: (She thinks of what to say in defense and systematically puts in this puzzle) Could you remember when you kissed me behind that ward door? Dr. Ofegor: Me kissed you? The heavens forbid! Theresa: Could you still remember how you gave us free medical treatment because you wanted me as your mistress? Dr. Ofegor: Jesus Christ! (Exclaims) You are a liar. A blatantly one at that! Theresa: Who do you think people will believe you or me? It is what the woman testifies against you that people will believe. Do you still remember what Potiphar’s wife said about Joseph that led Potiphar throwing him into prison? Remember I am the woman here and whatever I say stand to form the basis for judgments. If I say you rape me that stand and can dent your Christianity and your medical profession as well. I don’t want to do this either but if you try to push your findings further I shall be forced to testify against you. Besides, this is a family issue; it is none of your business. I wonder why you are troubling yourself over man’s matter. Why take Panadol on my headache? Busy body! Please leave it for us. We know that Tobi was your friend but we are his family so leave him for us. He is our responsibility not your own. Dr. Ofegor: O Lord, have mercy on your people! Theresa, you can leave my office now. Theresa: Before I’ll go doctor. I am here for Tobi’s corpse. Dr. Ofegor: Go to the mortuary department and meet all the necessary requirements…….. Theresa: (Cuts in) Thank you doctor. We shall inter him tomorrow. You can come and pay your last respect to friend. (Pretending to cry) I will miss you Tobi! (Pause) I am not a devil as you think. Dr. Ofegor: Who said so? Change your ways Theresa, who is instigating you is not wishing you well. I know that somebody is beside your sudden change of character. That person is not wishing you well. so you better retrace your steps and follow the right that leads to eternal life. Theresa: Say me well to your wife Mrs. Ofegor and Little Dave. Have a nice day doctor! Dr. Ofegor: Is this Theresa that I know? (She leaves) Fade Out Questions from scene 21 1. Is this the real you? What orchestrated this statement? 2. “I am the woman here…….?” What does that implies? SCENE 22 (The scene rises as it reveals Chief Muda in his exotic duplex. The duplex is well-furnished revealing his status as a well-to-do business magnate. There are modern settees both local and international present in the duplex and electronic gadgets in place showing the splendor of this duplex.
There is a big wall photograph showing Chief Muda and Felicia in their marriage attire hanging strategically on the wall. Chief is seen carrying Theresa on his laps as background music is playing among. At the peak of the music they both rise to dance accordingly). Chief Muda: I love this music. It is nostalgic in nature. It reminds of yester years when men were boys and women were girls. Let’s dance to it. Theresa: Alright chief, anything from you is pleasant. (They rise to dance) Chief Muda: Lovely! You mean anything from me is pleasant. Ask me anything you want even to the half of my kingdom, I will oblige you. Theresa: I want Dr. Ofegor dead. Chief Muda: But why do you want such a good man dead. Theresa: He knows too much about Tobi’s death and he is planning to publish his findings. Will like it if I go to jail because am the prime suspect here. Chief Muda: The gods forbid it! You can’t go to jail when am still alive. Theresa: Then do it. The love we are enjoying today came as a result of what I did for us. Chief Muda: I know Theresa. Don’t bring that memory again. Theresa: Then do it for me. Chief Muda: If that will make you happy then consider it done. Theresa: Thank you chief. (Just then, Felicia his wife enters with a frowned face looking at both of them still dancing in merriment. She sits down quietly watching them angrily. She is troubled by Theresa’s presence in the house). Felicia: International business guru, who is this again? Chief Muda: Oh Felicia meet Theresa and Theresa meet Felicia my wife! Theresa: Nice to meet you Felicia. (She stretches out her hand for a hand shake but Felicia withdraws her hand). Felicia: Take off your dirty hands away from me, you infidel. Chief Muda: Don’t start again Felicia; she is a woman like you. Felicia: I don’t care about that Mr. Right. Excuse me! (She leaves). Theresa: I know when I’m politely insulted, and also know when I’m accepted by somebody. (She becomes sad for the first time since she met chief). Chief Muda: Cheer up Theresa! Felicia is always like that she will get used to you very soon. She will not want to give me a child and yet she is always jealous to see me with another woman. She is greedy and always insecure when she sees others women around me. Theresa: That is her cup of tea. Chief Muda: Nothing can change my mind about you not when you are carrying my baby. Theresa: She has just expressed her jealousy and fears. That is one thing about us women. Chief Muda: Thank you for your understanding. Please, let me go and talk some senses into her head. (He leaves like the gentleman that he is) Theresa: Exactly chief, that is what she needs now. (She moves to the audience and speaks to them) Felicia, whether you want it or not, I have come to stay; what is inside me belongs to chief Muda our husband, which gives me the right over him as well. (She begins to gesticulate with her stomach). (IN ANOTHER SITTING ROOM IN THE DUPLEX)
Felicia: Her name is Theresa, married to Tobi the Epileptic man, former bank manager who died mysteriously. They both had two children Sam and Ume. She is a Civil Servant working with the State’s Ministry of Finance. Her best and only friend is Suzy. Chief Muda: (Clapping) Good! Since you knew her very well then there is no need for further introduction. Felicia: But who do you think she is? Chief Muda: That is none of my business. I am not an investigator like you. All I know is that, she is fruitful and that she can give me what I want. In fact, she is going to be my second wife soon. So you get ready for a competitor. Felicia: I see! That shows that you know very little or nothing about this lady. Chief Muda: Whatever! Whatever! I don’t care about…… Felicia: It seems you have already made up your mind about this lady. Anything I might say now may not mean anything to you. You are the butterfly that will follow the corpse to the grave, no matter what you do to prevent it. Chief Muda: Don’t let that bother you too much. I will never change my mind about her not when she is carrying my baby. Felicia: I said it. So you have already gone so far with that infidel. Don’t worry, the truth can’t be buried. The truth about her husband’s demise will unfold and all those who have hands in that poor man’s death shall suffer and they will all die as well. Chief Muda: Let that time come first we shall cross the bridge together. Felicia: My husband is possessed with some evil spirits. This is not the man I married ten years ago. What has come over you? Chief Muda: I have told you before live those problems for me to worry about. Theresa, will be moving in soon to live with us. I want to be a complete father to my baby. Felicia: Felicia, you have suffered! As soon as, she is moving in I am moving out. Chief Muda: But the house is big enough to contain all of us. Felicia: Felicia cannot share you with another woman. She can take you alone. Chief Muda: Is that so? Then give me children, you won’t. Felicia: Is that the problem? Chief Muda: Yes Felicia! Give me a child let me know that you are a woman and not a fellow man. You see, that woman you called an infidel is a complete woman. At one touch she is got pregnant immediately. She is carrying what you could not give me for the past decade now. How then will you want me to live such a fruitful vine? At last, I am an expectant father. Felicia: I’m happy for both of you. Congratulations! Well, that does not change my opinion about her. Chief Muda: (Just then his phone rings) Hold on it is Dr. Fred. Hello Doctor! Dr. Fred: Congratulation chief! The test result shows that your wife Felicia is three weeks pregnant. Chief Muda: Thanks doctor. Have a blessed day! (Call ends) God Save you! Felicia: What did Dr. Fred tell you? Chief Muda: You are three weeks gone. Congratulations Felicia! Felicia: I told you to wait for my God. That He is still alive but you thought that I was barren. My God has vindicated me. I am now pregnant contrary to people’s opinion. Thank heavens! (She exclaims and burst out singing) “Join me in praising God I have seen his goodness!” Chief Muda: I think otherwise; Theresa’s baby will be the first child why yours will be the second child. (He walks slowly away). Felicia: What does that implies? Chief, don’t just start my troubles are sleeping. Don’t wake them up? Fade Out Questions from scene 22 1. What do you think that Chief wants from Theresa? 2. Who was referred to as an infidel? 3. Who is Felicia? SCENE 23 (The scene rises as it reveals Dr. Ofegor’s cozy resident. He lives in this duplex with his family. The atmosphere is peaceful and well-furnished with modern furniture revealing his status. He is married to a lovely woman known as Mrs. Ofegor. They both had a son named little Dave, a very questionable little child of about six years old.
Dr. Ofegor’s younger brother named Francis lives with them too. Francis is a guy who always gives God the second place in his life. As it is his usual Christian daily practice his family always gathered for night devotion at 10:30PM. But someone is not there as he looks around). Dr. Ofegor: Where is Francis? Mrs. Ofegor: My lord, he is not back yet. Dr. Ofegor: So Francis, still disobey me after I warned him not to keep late nights anymore. (Suddenly, the door starts opening gradually as Francis enters, tip touring shamefully). Francis: Good Evening Uncle! Dr. Ofegor: Where are you coming from at this ungodly hour of the night? Francis: I’m very sorry Uncle. It won’t repeat itself again. Dr. Ofegor: May it never! You have said that many times before you don’t always keep to your words. Let this never repeat itself again or I will be forced to do something drastic. Mrs. Ofegor: Please my lord! Don’t……..(Kneeling down) Dr. Ofegor: Mama is still complaining about your bad behaviors at this age and that has been giving her sleepless nights. Yet you still continue with it. I wonder when you will change. Francis: Very soon Uncle. Dr. Ofegor: Get your Bible and join us. Francis: Thank you Uncle! I’m grateful Auntie! {He leaves and returns with his Bible). Dr. Ofegor: Don’t mind Francis! Let’s start the devotion now. Our Bible reading is taken from the book of Psalm 2:1-5 Mrs. Ofegor: (Reads). Why should the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves together and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed saying: Let us break their bond asunder and cast away their cords from us. He who seated in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath and vex them in his sore displeasure. This is the word of the Lord. Dr. Ofegor: He that dwells in the secret place of the most High……. All: Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Dr. Ofegor: (Prayers) O Lord our God, our Maker and our Redeemer, our friend, we appreciate your loving kindness and your goodness towards us today. We ask for more of your guidance and protection as we sleep tonight. O. Lord, let us sleep peacefully and wake up lively. Protect us from the terrors of the nights and the pestilence that walks in darkness. Let us sleep under the shadow of thy wings. In Jesus name, we pray. All: Amen! Dr. Ofegor: have a blessed night rest everyone. Mrs. Ofegor: Good night my lord! (They all leave except Little Dave who stays behind with his father asking him some questions. As it is his usual practice the doctor always study some medical materials till 12.00 mid-nights before going to bed). Little Dave: Where is heaven, daddy? Dr. Ofegor: Heaven is above. Little Dave: My auntie said God lives in heaven. Dr. Ofegor: Yes! She is right, son. Little Dave: I want to go to heaven to say hello to God. Dr. Ofegor: Alright son. We shall all go there someday. (He picks up a book and starts reading and Little Dave picks one of his books and starts reading too. Suddenly, he sets his eyes on a fierce looking man heading towards him pointing his gun at him angrily). Little Dave: Daddy, is he a thief? Taliko: Keep quiet you little rat. Dr. Ofegor: (Stammering) But….But…. how did you get into this house? Taliko: You think you are safe, sorry, you are not Dr. Ofegor. Your burglary proof has disappointed you. Dr. Ofegor: What do you want from me? Do you want money? Taliko: No need to bother yourself; heaven shall welcome a new visitor today. Dr. Ofegor: What have I done wrong? (Pointing his gun angrily at him) Please, don’t kill me. Taliko: I will give you the opportunity to say your last prayer before meeting your creator. Dr. Ofegor: (Prays) O, Lord, my strength, my shield and buckler, you have become my salvation and deliverer. Deliver me, O Lord my God! Taliko: Amen. May the Lord receive an untimely visitor today? Amen! (He fires a shot at him but misses it targets as a figure appear in the form of an angel who waves the bullet away and directs it to the television set breaking it severally. Taliko seeing this action run away fearfully). Dr. Ofegor: Dave! Dave! Where are you? (He kneels and raises his hands giving praise to the Almighty God when his household starts running to the sitting room where the sound came from). Francis: Uncle! Are you safe? I heard a gunshot. Mrs. Ofegor: What! My Lord! (Rushes to him on the floor) Where is Dave? Francis: See him hiding under the table. (Rushes to him and brings him out of his hiding place). Mrs. Ofegor: Who wants to make me a widow shall not succeed. Francis: Amen! Fade Out Questions from scene 23: 1. Who save them in this scene? 2. Should we pray at all, if yes, what is your reason? 3. Explain the role of prayer here. SCENE 24 (The scene rises as it reveals one of the cemeteries in Lagos. Many people were seen gathered around Tobi’s graveside including his wife Theresa crying bitterly. Though, holding Sam and Ume,
Chief Muda was concerned with consoling Theresa as Suzy stood transfixed gazing at the grave. High powered delegations from the State’s Ministry of Finance were also there to console Theresa. The Priest in his usual way was carrying out the officiating). Priest: “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground, for out of it was thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. This day is the scriptures fulfilled in your presence. To God be the glory. (They all burst into singing :) All: To God be the glory Great things He hath done So loved He the world that He gave us His son Who yielded His life? An atonement for sin and opened The life gate that all may go in. Chorus: Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Let the earth hear His voice Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Let the people rejoice Oh, come to the father through Jesus the son And give Him the glory great things He hath done. (Refrain) (At that, Dr. Ofegor was revealed standing afar off pointing at the people gathering at the graveside. After the ceremony, Theresa and Chief Muda walk away and sighted Dr. Ofegor and his younger brother Francis standing behind his car). Theresa: Chief, look at Dr. Ofegor, he is alive. He is not dead. Chief Muda: What happened? I sent Taliko to send him to his creator last night. Why is he still alive and well? I shall get to the root of this matter. Theresa: Let’s leave here. (As they leave Dr. Ofegor begin to shake his head in pity). Dr. Ofegor: My suspicions are correct, Tobi died because Theresa wants to marry wealth. Theresa your hands are not clean over Tobi’s death. That is Chief Muda I know that man. I have treated him before in clinic. Fade Out Questions from scene 24 1. Why is Dr. Ofegor shaking his head? Explain. 2. “I shall get to the root of this matter”. What does that implies? SCENE 25 (The scene rises as it reveals Chief Muda’s exotic duplex as he is seen vibrating to Taliko over his unaccomplished assignment with Dr. Ofegor. Taliko was hired for the job of assassinating the doctor but he was miraculously delivered from his gunshot. Foolishly enough, he is demanding for his balance not implemented by him).
Chief Muda: You just told me a cock and bull story. Story that one could not fathomed. Do you in your wildest dreams think that I’ll believe you? Taliko: Boss, I had to run for my life. No one could have told what would have happened to me if I had spent another second in that house. The atmosphere in that house was made uncomfortable and electrifying for me by the appearance of that strange figure. Chief Muda: That shows how foolish and cowardly you are! You would have fired a second bullet to know whether you really saw an angel or not. Taliko: Since nothing could exonerate me here. I will take my leave now. But boss, I need my balance payment. Chief Muda: What! (He exclaims). Your what? Your balance payment for the unfinished job? Things don’t work that way in this part of the world. Taliko: If things don’t work that way then things should work my own way. I need my balance. (He brings out his gun and places it on the table and sits down now). Chief Muda, I know you to be a gentleman, please,, gently go inside and get my balance payment. I am waiting for it! Chief Muda: Taliko, please, it has not come to that. Don’t do anything stupid with that gun. (He leaves and returns with a two bundles of currency notes) Taliko, you are a good guy, I don’t want to have any problem with you so you can take your balance and keep the addition for your troubles. Taliko: Nice doing business with you, Chief Muda. (Accepts the money and leaves immediately). Chief Muda: You should be polite next time. (Felicia enters from the inner chamber. Now her pregnancy can be noticed). Felicia: Who are you talking with again? Chief Muda: Taliko! Felicia: I see! That is one of your bad boys. So what are you up to again? Somebody is in trouble. Chief Muda: It is none of your business. Felicia: Nemesis will catch up with you some time soon. (She leaves again). Chief Muda: Let me worry about that. Fade Out Questions from scene 25: 1. Who is Taliko? 2. What is he going on here? 3. What is nemesis? SCENE 26 (IT IS THREE MONTHS AFTER TOBI’S BURIAL. The scene rises as it reveals Theresa carrying her belongings into Chief Muda’s duplex. Although, this is not her first visit to the house it only shows that these two are really serious with each other, and Theresa does not want her baby to be outside this paradise. After ng her clothes in the wardrobe Chief Starts conducting her round some cozy rooms in the house amid surprise and laughter. Meanwhile, her pregnancy has grown so big). Chief Muda: Do you like this room. Theresa: It is exotic! I love it! Chief Muda: Okay Theresa! Let’s see yet another room. (He ushers her into another room). Theresa: Lovely! This room is better than the former one. Look at the bed, it looks like …… (She falls on it). This is heaven on earth! Wonderful! Chief Muda: Please take care of my baby. Theresa: I will chief. I am very pleased with what I am seeing here. If this is a dream I don’t want to wake up. Chief Muda: You make me laugh. You are not dreaming you are seeing wealth in abundance. Like what you have not seen before. Theresa: God bless the day I met you, Chief. Chief Muda: That day was really a blessed day. I will not forget that day in a hurry. A day that restored my hope of having a child will continue my posterity. (He hugs her). I’m so proud of you and my unborn child. Theresa: Nothing can stand between us. You see, the way completely cleared; Sam and Ume are now in a boarding school in Lagos state. Chief Muda: That is a good way of taking care of inquisitive children like Sam and Ume. Fade Out Question from scene 26 1. What is going on here? SCENE 27 (The scene rises as it reveals Suzy’s well-furnished flat. This time she is discussing with one of her clients named chief Obinna another wealthy and educated chief. He is a middle aged man with a fair family waiting at home but he still hangs out with Suzy for reasons best known to him. If you are asking why men keep extra marital affairs we may never find the answers to such quest because many of such men are deviant in their views. At least, people like Suzy will keep on thriving because of such men. He hates abortion as he intends that Suzy should stop it, and probably give him children like Theresa will do anytime soon. But Suzy holds a different opinion about having children).
Suzy: When are you leaving for Asaba? Chief Obinna: That’s twenty one days from today. Before then I am expected to speak on “Teenage Pregnancy and Abortion” to the students of Guria International Group of Schools. Suzy: Splendid Chief! Do you mean to legalize abortion or what? Chief Obinna: Well Suzy, you and I know that abortion is bad and its implications are bad to even talk about. Suzy: Chief Obinna, you are beginning to sound like one of those preachers out there. I wonder when you will open your own church. Chief Obinna: You are not far from the truth. You should be thinking of settling down and become a ‘Mrs. to somebody’ not jumping around from one man to another. Suzy: I take an exception to that, Chief Obinna. If people like me was not here what will people like you do? Chief Obinna: Nothing much Suzy! I’m sorry! I’m joking with you! Suzy: You better be! Because I’m still wondering what you are doing with people like us because you just talked like an aristocrat or a righteous man; when you should avoid me and stick to your wife at home. Chief Muda: You are upset already; I said I was joking with you. You are taking this too personal. Forgive me! I apologize once again! Suzy: Chief you must buy me that car before I’ll forgive you. Chief Obinna: If that will make you forgive me then you will get it as soon as possible. Suzy: I believe you Chief Obinna. (She rises and hugs him) Let me go inside and prepare for the market. I will need pepper soup tomorrow. Oh chief, I will also need something pepperish too. Chief Muda: Exactly what I was thinking. You can add meat and cow tail to complete the variety. Be very fast, I’m missing you already. Suzy: Never mind, I shall make up for the lost time when I’ll come back from the market. Expect me soon. (She makes for the kitchen where she picks up a bag and puts in). Men! They think we are baby making machine. You see, I can’t settle down with any man. I can’t be like my friend Theresa who gave in to Chief Muda on a platter of gold and carelessly got pregnant for him. (She enters again as she bid him goodbye). Goodbye Chief, I will be back soon. Chief Obinna: Goodbye Suzy! I am waiting for you. Suzy: I will be back before you know it. (She leaves). Fade Out Questions from scene 27 1. Is this another ‘mugu’ according to Suzy in an earlier scene? 2. What is Teenage pregnancy? SCENE 28 (The scene rises as it reveals F.D MEDICAL CLINIC belonging to Dr. Fred. His clinic is well-furnished as we can notice some modern medical equipment in the wards. Out-patients were seated waiting patiently to see the doctor.
Not much is known of Dr. Fred but we only knew that he is Suzy’s favorite doctor who knows how to do her bidding at the expense of her life. She has already introduced Theresa to him for antenatal and delivery of her unborn child. Suzy enters and walk straight to the doctor’s office undermining those she met there waiting for him). Patient 1: Stop there madam! You can’t go in like that! Patient 2: You met us here. Patient 3: We are not fools. (Then Nurse Jane rushes to the scene to rescue the situation). Nurse Jane: Okay! Okay! It is okay! She is a special visitor. She will not stay long. Please every one of you will see the doctor and he is ready to attend to you because today is your clinic day. Please everyone will see the doctor just let her go first. Patient 1: So special people can’t wait for their turn. (Shouting angrily) They are more human than we are? Nurse Jane: Not like that. Please be patient, let her see the doctor she won’t stay long. Suzy: I will not waste time, please. I’m sorry! Patient 1: It is because of you, Nurse Jane. Nurse Jane: Thank you! Madam you can go in. (Referring to Suzy). Suzy: Thanks. (As she enters the doctor’s office) Good day Dr. Fred! Dr. Fred: How are you, Suzy? Suzy: Not too fine Dr. Fred. Dr. Fred: Does that mean that you are still insisting on the already concluded issue? Suzy: For obvious reasons……. Dr. Fred: Which is? Suzy: I want the abortion now. Dr. Fred: No you can’t! Do you realize that your chances of getting pregnant again are so slim? You may not get pregnant again. You are still young and I know that you will get married someday. What you are destroying now you will need to keep your family united. Suzy: (She turns to the audience) Has everybody gone gaga? Why are they telling me to keep the baby or settle down? (Turns again to the doctor) Dr. Fred: Are you talking to me? Suzy: No doctor! I’m sorry to disappoint you! I am not ready to have children now; I don’t want anything to disturb me and my business. Not even children! In fact, I don’t want any child to cry after me ‘Mummy! Mummy! like a cockerel. Whatever opinion you hold, I am still going ahead with the abortion. Besides doctor, I am going to pay you money good money for the job, Dr. Fred: Since you have made up your mind on this matter there is nothing I can do rather than to let you have your way. This is going to be the last D&C I will carry out on you so get ready! Suzy: I will doctor. Dr. Fred: (Brings out a Consent Form and gives to her to sign) This is the consent form, you can fill and append your signature where necessary. Suzy: Do I really need this? Dr. Fred: Yes Suzy! It is very necessary now. I won’t carry out the D&C without you signing the consent Form? It is our usual practice in this clinic. Suzy: Alright doctor. (She starts filling the form and finishes it as the doctor start going through it) Dr. Fred: Go to the Accounts Department and meet the necessary requirements and join us in the Theatre. Suzy: Consider it done, doctor. (She leaves). Fade Out Questions from scene 28 1. Why is Suzy talking like this? 2. What is a cockerel? 3. What figure of speech is like? SCENE 29 (The scene rises as it reveals Chief Obinna in Suzy’s bedroom waiting anxiously for her to return from the said market. He paces around while waiting for her and looking at the wall clock at every interval.
Now it is exactly 8:30pm and she has not return. Obinna is one of Suzy’s unfortunate catch. He sometimes abandons his family to lodge with her. This is one of such occasions with Chief Obinna and Suzy). Chief Obinna: Just look at the time it is already 8:30pm and Suzy is not yet arrived from the market. I wonder what she is still buying there by this time or did she go to see her friend? I am so hungry. (Yawns) Mummy Suitai does not play with my stomach like this. (Referring to his wife at home) Well she knows the implication if she does that. Let me look for a nearby restaurant to eat before she comes back. Only God knows where she has gone to. (As he turns to go his phone rings) That must be Suzy. (He picks it from the bedside). Ha! Ha! This is not her number let me answer first. Hello! Dr. Fred: Hello! Is this Chief Obinna? Chief Obinna: (He is a typical Igbo man with the Igbo accents when he speaks but he speaks correctly). Of course, yes! You are talking with the right person. So who am I talking with? Dr. Fred: You are speaking with Dr. Fred, the Medical Director of F.D Medical Clinic. Chief Obinna: I see! Can I help you or do you need booking for lectures? Dr. Fred: Not at all. Well chief would you come to the clinic for a very private discussion and verifications? Chief Obinna: Me Chief Obinna come for a private discussion with a stranger. Things are not done that way besides I don’t even know you before? (Obinna is not a gentle person. He is tough and proud). You are not serious Dr. Fred! I am a titled chief based on good woks and meritorious deeds in my community. I am not a mere chief or a chief by name just for self-exaggeration and exaltation sake. So you cannot call me for a private whatsoever without a proper notification. This is a chief with a difference. If you have nothing to say you can at least save some credits for yourself. Dr. Fred: I’m sorry Chief you just need to come over if you wish to see Suzy. She wants to see you now. Chief Obinna: Please doctor, don’t cut the call. Is she there with you? Dr. Fred: She is in a very critical condition right now. Chief Obinna: I will be with you very soon. (He hurriedly picks his car keys and runs out). Fade Out Questions from scene 29 1. We are still trying to locate Suzy. Do you know where she might be? 2. Why did she hide this fact from Chief Obinna? SCENE 30 (In a major street in one of the big cities in Nigeria; Chief Muda is seen driving one of his numerous cars along when a young girl of seventeen years old stopped his car. He drives to a halt and opens the car door from a remote control in the car for her to enter. She did, and he zooms off again. Suitai that was her name, she has been
standing there for some time waiting for taxi in a very hot afternoon sun shining intensely that day when Chief Muda stopped to save her from the hot sun). Chief Muda: Ah! This sun is too hot! Why is she standing there like that? If I had a child seventeen or twenty years ago she would have grown up like this damsel? (He halts) Thank God all the same I am going to be a proud father soon expecting babies from two sources. Am I not a strong man rich and powerful and influential? (He speaks to himself) Suitai: Good Afternoon Sir! (As she enters) Chief Muda: How are you doing today? Suitai: Fine Sir! Thank you for saving me from the hot and scourging sun. Chief Muda: The pleasure is all mine. Where exactly are you going to? Suitai: I’m going to see a friend near Aguda Market close to the Aguda Bus Stop. Chief Muda: Alright. I’m going to the opposite direction. But I will stop you somewhere close before I divert. I just want to save you from the scourging sun like you said before. Suitai: I’m grateful Sir. You are a good man. You made my day sir. Chief Muda: You’re welcome! I am Chief Muda the CEO of Muda International Overseas and Nigeria. Suitai: That’s great! Oh my God! I have heard your name a number of times I never knew I will meet you someday. I’m pleased to meet you Chief. I am Suitai the tenth child of Chief Obinna, I finished my SSS 111 WAEC examinations last week and by the grace of God I will be proceeding to the University soon. Chief Muda: I like that you have a very strong ambition there. Please don’t allow streets boys to destruction your education pursuit. Congratulations on the completion of your exams. I wish you success! Suitai: Thank you Chief. Chief Muda: I know one Chief Wilson Obinna a Motivational Speaker. I called him the orator. Suitai: That’s my father. (She smiles at her father’s popularity) Chief Muda: What a coincidence! The world is really a small place. So how is your father? Suitai: He is well. chief, do you know that my father left the house to lodge with a whore who called herself Suzy, for the past one month now, the good thing is that he is back after this same woman died while aborting her tenth fetus. Chief Muda: Is that so? (Chief pretended not to know Suzy) Suitai: Do you know this woman? Chief Muda: I don’t Suitai. (He denies) Suitai: That means that you don’t know much about my father as well. That man is sick when it comes to anything putting on skirt. My mother always prays for him every day to change his ways. (Getting to the market) Chief I’ll stop here! Chief Muda: When next I see him in the club I will talk some senses to him. (He halts and she alights) Well Suitai, you should always use polite words when you are referring to your parents for decency sake, remember he is still your father and he brought you to this world. Suitai: I quite appreciate Chief! God bless you Sir! Chief Muda: Say me well to him and your mother too. (As he zooms-off again) So Suzy is dead. How can I break this sad news to her friend Theresa? Aba! This is calamity! Fade Out Questions from scene 30 1. What is the sad news in this scene? 2. Identify a word which means child in this scene? SCENE 31 (The rain falls heavily. The thunder strikes in an usual manner. The tree how heads bows in adoration to their Creator; just then Theresa felt darkness hovering around her as Tobi’s Ghost rose up from his grave in vengeance. Up to Chief’s exotic duplex he goes to searching for Theresa. Meanwhile, Chief Muda and Theresa were
watching a late night movie in the living room. Accidentally, it was the same movie Tobi was watching the night he was murdered by Theresa. Tobi’s Ghost appears and stood behind them watching with them and also waiting to take vengeance on them). Theresa: Oh Chief! I feel strange and warm out! Chief Muda: It is usual, that goes with pregnancy. Never mind, you will put it down soon. Theresa: I have never felt like this before. Let’s go to bed. I feel like sleeping perhaps, the pains will subsides. Chief Muda: Wait sweet heart! Let me see what will happen to that wicked woman in this movie. Theresa: Come let’s go inside I can’t watch this movie anymore. Chief Muda: Why Theresa? Theresa: It’s full of horrors and too deadly. It is not ideal for me to watch such horrors while carrying your baby. Chief Muda: I’m very sorry Theresa! You are very correct! Theresa: Besides, I’m feeling dizzy too. Chief Muda: You win. (He switches-off the television set). Let’s go to bed now. (They both go into the bedroom and Theresa lies on the bed while chief head towards the wardrobe where he puts on his pajamas and joins her on the bed). That reminds me; I got shocking news from Suitai one of Chief Obinna’s daughters. Theresa: What has happened again? Or is she dead? Chief Muda: Some wicked forces decided on taking her away to the other side. Theresa: What do you mean by that? Is Suzy dead? Chief Muda: Well you said so; she dead in the process of aborting a baby. Theresa: I warned her she refused to yield. Yeee! Yeee! Yeee! (She makes a continuous shout) Yeee! Yeee! Yeee! Chief Muda: Please stop shouting! So that you will not affect my baby with your continuous shouting; I am begging you with all I have and with all that you hold sacred. Theresa: Yeee! Yeee! Yeee! She is gone my best and only friend. Today is hers tomorrow might be mine. Chief Muda: Stop talking like that. I am not comfortable with your sentimental jargons. Theresa: It is true Chief. Some evil spirits are waiting for my funeral I can feel it deep down in me. Chief Muda: You are joking! (He rises from the bed angrily) If anything of such is going to happen to you, let it come after the birth of my long awaited baby. I am even tired of this whole situation I don’t even know where all these are coming from? I’m fed up! I’m tired! I don’t understand! Theresa: I thought we are in this together? Chief Muda: No way! (He neglects her) Count me out of this. I was only playing along because of the baby you are carrying in your womb. Theresa: Did you not consent to killing Tobi when I brought you the idea. Didn’t you? Chief Muda: That is where you go wrong again. You killed Tobi because of my wealth. You killed Tobi because you loved glamor, riches and popularity. You killed Tobi because you desire to live in a blissful paradise owned by affluence. That is the big reason why you married me. And when I saw that you would give me what I had been praying for; for the past ten years now I had to play along knowing what you wanted and your inordinate ambition. Theresa: I’ve been fooled! Why did I ever believe you? So you never loved me like I thought, you only love the baby in my womb. You are selfish! You are wicked! I was so foolish to have believed you. Chief Muda: I’m sorry! “You can’t eat you cake and have it again”. (He walks away). Theresa: What does that mean Chief Muda? (She burst out crying) Tobi, please Tobi! Forgive me! (She slowly falls asleep). Fade Out Questions from scene 31 1. Is Chief Muda really interested in Theresa or what? 2. What is going on here? 3. Identify the important revelation in this scene. SCENE 32 (The scene rises once again to reveal Theresa’s bedroom in chief’s exotic duplex. After, she falls deeply asleep. She got into a trace like dream which actually reveals the true position of things like a dream in the middle of the night, the door opens of its own accord and Tobi’s Ghost enters the bedroom and walks straight to the
bed where she lay fast asleep. He woke her spirit up as she rises in answer to his call. Now her pregnancy is about nine months and seven days old). Tobi’s Ghost: Come! Come over Theresa! (She follows him away). Come! Come over Theresa! Theresa: Yes, I will! Tobi’s Ghost: I am your real husband. Theresa: Yes! I know! Tobi’s Ghost: Chief Muda stole you away from me and married you. He does not love you. He only loves the baby in your womb. So come with me to our real home. This is not your home. (Both of them moves into the streets and approaches the cemetery) Theresa: Yes, I know! Tobi’s Ghost: I am taking you away to your real home where we shall both dwell together in love and peace: leaving behind all the troubles of this world. Theresa: Yes, I know Tobi’s Ghost: Here is where you should be. (Pointing to a grave) Theresa: Yes, I know! Tobi’s Ghost: Come! Come over Theresa! Here is where we should dwell together in peace. (Pointing to his grave) Behold my blissful paradise with riches unimaginable and unspeakable happiness. Lo it was beautifully prepared for us. I know you love glamor it is glamorous out there. It is very nice! How pleasant it is there! Theresa: What beauty there is! It was decorated with sticks of human skeletons. Tobi’s Ghost: Then come along! (He jumps in and Theresa too as Tobi gives a wild laugh congratulating her). Welcome home Theresa! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! (His laughter woke her up suddenly shivering with fear). Theresa: Thank God it was a dream. That was so real! (She kneels down crying) Tobi, please Tobi, I am sorry for killing you. I have wronged you. Leave me alone! (Tobi’s Ghost appears to her). Tobi’s Ghost: “Punishment is lame it will come whenever it will”. She who kills by the sword should expect to die by that same sword. You murder sleep when you killed me, why should you expect to sleep? No need to cry. No need to weep. Your days are numbered. You better count it. (He disappears). Theresa: Tobi please wait I have one more thing to say. (She gives a loud shout) My waist! Muda! Muda! Muda ooh! Muda, you are crazy! You are stupid! (Chief Muda then runs in from the other room). Chief Muda: Why are you raining down curses on me? Theresa: See what you have done to me. See what you have put inside me is coming out. Chief Muda: What is now the problem? Theresa: Yeee! Labor! The baby…… Chief Muda: (Shouts) Musa! Musa! Get met the car keys. Take it easily you’ll be okay soon. (He helps her to stand up and gently they walk to the car outside and he zooms-off). Fade out Questions from scene 32 1. Who was Tobi? 2. Why is he here? 3. It seems Theresa has hand in Tobi”s death. Discuss. SCENE 33 (The scene rises as it reveals F. D. Medical Clinic. Dr. Fred is seen with his nurses and Midwife in the maternity ward attending to Theresa in birth pains. She is in labor pains as it is here and the doctor and
midwife is handling the situation. Meanwhile Chief Muda is in the reception pacing here and there helplessly and looking worried too. The doctor and his medical team are doing their best to save Theresa and her baby alive). Dr. Fred: Please madam you have to cooperate with us so that we could achieve a successful result here. Now gather enough strength and push it out. Theresa: I will try doctor though my strength is failing me. (She pushes) Hum-um! Hum-um! Dr. Fred: Madam, if there is no progress this time I’ll go for C.S. Theresa: No doctor. I am going to try. Midwife: Push! Push!! Push!!! Push the baby out! Yes, the baby is coming out now thank God just keep pushing. (Suddenly the exclaims) What! Ha! (Turns to the doctor) Doctor, the baby has gone back! Dr. Fred: Gone where! (He feels her pulse) What! Strange! Madam, can you hear me? Can you hear me? (At that Chief Muda rushes to the scene) Chief Muda: What doctor? Dr. Fred: Sorry chief we lost her. I have not experience this for decades now. What just happened has severe medically explanation. Take heart Chief Muda! Meet me in my office. Chief Muda: (Rushes to her dead body) Theresa, don’t go with my baby. You can go alone. I beg you bring my baby back! Dr. Fred: Just put yourself together. Excuse me. (He leaves while the Nurses cover the corpse). Chief Muda: Theresa, why did you go like this? Fade Out Questions from scene 33 1. Who died? 2. Is this a revenge mission? Discuss. SCENE 34 (The scene rises as it reveals Chief Muda’s exotic duplex remaining as usual. He is seen mourning the death of Theresa his supposed wife. Looking at their previous photograph they both took and also remembering some of their good times together;’ when Tobi’s Ghost appears to take him away too as he did to Theresa.
“Dead men don’t speak”, we erroneously believe but Tobi‘s Ghost is taking vengeance of all those who are accomplice to his demised. Yes, Chief Muda is one of the unfortunate victims. He jumps to his feet shivering with fear as soon as he sets eyes on Tobi’s Ghost). Chief Muda: Tobi what are you doing here? Here is not your home. Tobi’s Ghost: (Burst out laughing) Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I have come to take you to our home. Theresa is there waiting anxiously for you. Together we shall have a memorable party with my guests all waiting earnestly for you. You have been chosen to chair the occasion, the money man and the international businessman, the CEO of Muda International Overseas and Nigeria. You are well chosen by my guest. So let’s go Chief Muda. We are all waiting for you. Chief Muda: No Tobi! I can’t go anywhere with you. You are dead. Here is mine place the land of the living not the land of the dead. No Tobi I am not going anywhere with you. Tobi’s Ghost: Good choice! Remember, you can’t eat your cake and have it. Sorry, the choice of whether to go with me or not is not yours to make it is based on what you bought from Theresa. She was married when you met her you conspired with her to get me out of the way because you felt that she would give you children. O man your riches misled you! if you were a poor man you would not have money to lure another’s man wife. Chief Muda: Tobi, what did I buy from Theresa? Tobi’s Ghost: You bought misfortune and death from her. You took another man’s wife because you have money at your beckon and call. Thou fool! Your money misled you. Chief Muda: Tobi, I beg of you, forgive me and show mercies. Tobi’s Ghost: Well spoken! You have spoken well. But Tobi cannot show mercies or forgiveness. They are of the Almighty One. So I can’t give that which I do not have. Besides, why are you asking for mercies so that you could continue to take other people’s wives but where was this mercy when Theresa conspired with you to kill me? Why did you give her your consent? Perhaps, what you are asking for does not exist; if it does; you would have demonstrated it first. Chief Muda: So mighty ghost what do you want from me? Tobi’s Ghost: I want you dead so that you could join us at the party tonight. That will serve as a lesson to those who think they can kill and get away with it. Remember, ‘you can’t eat your cake and have it’. Chief Muda: What is my punishment mighty ghost? (He summits). Tobi’s Ghost: Death! You shall die! Chief Muda: I beg of you mighty ghost let me live a little longer, I will not again give my consent to kill any man or woman. Tobi’s Ghost: That is not mine to grant. I am very sorry I am only a messenger. “Though hands join in hand the wicked shall not go on punished”. Meet me there! (Tobi’s Ghost pounces on him and kills him and disappears leaving him in the pull of his blood shouting for helping). Chief Muda: Help! Help! Help me! Tobi you have killed me. (Felicia then enters from the entrance and rushes to him). Felicia, please, help me. I beg of you. Felicia: Chief! Chief! What happened? (Shouts) Musa! Musa! Come and help me! (He rushes in as both of them carried the dead chief away). Fade Out Questions from scene 34 1. What is happening to Chief Muda? 2. Why did Tobi kill him? 3. Is this play a tragedy or comedy? EPILOGUE (The Epilogue rises as it reveals Dr. Ofegor standing in the front of Chief Muda’s house watching his corpse as it is been put inside the ambulance and subsequently driving slowly away blowing its siren along.
That was the end of Chief Muda who was misled by his wealth and also marrying another man’s wife because he believed that Theresa would give him a child. He is fully dressed in his medical regalia delivering the last word of the playwright). Dr. Ofegor: “PROSTITUTION IS BAD”. It is sin against your Creator. It is sin against your own body. It is sin against the community. Nobody can boldly say, I am a prostitute because the society frowns at it. Where will you stand as a prostitute if you offend God, your body and the society? A character once said: “you might be lucky to meet with one of these moneybags who will give you the comfort or pleasures you long desired.” Sadly enough, she did not tell us the implications of prostitution. That is exactly what we are facing today. Those human traffickers out there can never tell you the implications of the business they want you to do abroad, rather they will only tell you glamorous and captivating stories that will build utopic images of success in your mind. They knew that if they tell you the truth you may have a second thought about them and their offers.
Why did they not tell you about those who died of Cervical Cancer, and other STD’s like Syphilis, Gonorrhea, HIV and AIDs, they won’t tell you these, they knew that if they do they will destroy their business. They will only tell you the beautiful side and leave out the ugly side of their illicit businesses. The aim is to deceive you and promote their trade. I knew of a lady who deceived by her friends to leave her marriage because her husband was facing some financial challenges then, and the best solution that was given to this woman was prostitution. Well, she left her marriage only to find out that prostitution was not the best life’s opinions as she was told by her friends. Life is full of fantasy most especially from people who want your down fall. She then decided to go back to her former husband but he refused to take her back. Will you blame the man? No I will not. Those who sponsor girls and boys abroad for prostitution are wicked. Child trackers are wicked. Don’t ever think that they are planning your future. They are destroying it. Anybody advising you to go into prostitution to make ends meet is planning your downfall. Prostitution is never a remedy to solving a financial problem. Financial problems can only be solved by doing a legitimate work that can earn you a decent living. We are all witnesses to the problems caused by prostitution in this play. How did Theresa died and Chief Muda including Suzy? These characters met their waterloo because someone gave them a wrong counsel. I believe you have read the story and learnt a good lesson for yourself and others. May you be blessed by what you have read! Remember, all that glitters are not gold! Fade Out Questions from the Epilogue 1. What is Epilogue? 2. Identify theme of the Epilogue. 3. What did gain from the entire story? By Eguriase S. M. Okaka For more stories: logon to Eguria.blogspot. com Whatapps Number 08103462928 or 08032587335


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