dressing by eguriase s. m. okaka

BY EGURIASE S. M. OKAKA Dressing has a very broad term; when I used the word dressing here, I mean the clothe we put on or wear in order that we might cover our nakedness. Also dressing also prevents cold or the hatch weather conditions. It is always good to dress. When we dressed it should be able to cover our nakedness that is, when it is said that we have put on a dress. Dressing is very important to all human beings but there are some that completely hates dressing and like exposing themselves these people are called madmen and madwomen. Dressing originated from the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve had to sew fig leaves together to make aprons because their eyes saw their nakedness and it wasn’t palatable to them. When a person is unsheathed it is never a good sight to behold that is why any dress we wear should be able to cover us up. This is where dressing makes you look pleasant to others. So the purpose of dressing is to cover one’s nakedness. Any dress which covers one’s nakedness is called a good dressing. While any dress which exposes a person’s nakedness is metaphorically a bad dressing. When you dress well it adds positive features to your personality and beauty and it makes you look responsible and acceptable to the public.
When you are going to an interview will you put on a ‘ladies ‘short’ as a lady or will you put on a ‘short or an underpants’ as a young man to an interview? Let us consider this and learn how to dress properly. Improper dressing by females always brings temptations to them. Many of them can testify to this fact. Young girls will tell you that it was the day they put on ‘short’ to that party that the unfortunate happened to them. Many school girls will tell you sad stories of how they lost their chastity prior to this. Sadly enough, there are few people who dressed well but many are dressing badly showing-off their nakedness in the name of entertainment and fashion shows and craze. The society encourages these styles of dressing because it is promoting their brands at the expense of good dressing. If you dressed well today people will laugh at you because you are well covered. It is what is going on because these generations don’t know what good dressing entails anymore, what they know is what they see in the internet and night clubs.
Because the world is a democratic entity where we believed that the majority must always win. This has gone a long way to influence our sense of judgment and moral thinking. Now the majorities are dressing exposing themselves and this has become a standard for the younger generation to follow. Since many are doing it, it is now the order of the day so why will I be left out? This is what the younger generation thinks. So, there are no good precedents of dressing to learn from not even from our nearest door neighbor. Tell me what good thing they will learn from those women exposing their bust in the social Medias. Or what good thing will they learn from those ladies walking half naked in our streets. If we are true to ourselves we will find out that we are not learning anything good from bad dressing. All that you can learn from them are corruptions and vanities; things that cannot profit anybody. Few years ago, when you mention pornography many people will frowned at it, but nowadays we are gradually accepting pornographic dressing which exposes parts that should be kept secret. Examples are ladies exposing themselves on social media in the name of modernity. What are they teaching us? Nothing but perverseness!
Dress the way you should be addressed. The aforementioned axiom carries a lot of sensibility with it. • If you dress like a thief; someone would call you a thief. • If you dress like a whore; someone would call you a whore. • If you dress like a madman; they will call you a madman. Let us consider this: A young man was taking his bath in the bathroom and a wandering madman came around and took away his towel. Instead of this young man to hide himself inside the bathroom; he jumped out and ran after the madman and those who saw both of them running in the streets equally referred to him as a madman as well. Let’s think on this. As I said before madmen and madwomen don’t like putting on clothes. Is this what the society is turning into? Since many people are dressing wrongly many youngsters tend to be copying them in their bad dressings. That is the only example they are seeing and that is what they are learning from. You hardly can find good dressing anywhere today. The men hardly have problems with their dressings but the women have a big problem with theirs. Some women think that their body is a selling point hence they are exhibiting it for people to see and probably buy what they have to sell. Who will then teach us how to dress? Oh parents! Teach your children how to dress properly. What we are seeing today is not good dressing. Dress which expose the body parts that should have been kept secret. “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” If we follow this biblical injunction, we shall correct many thinking in our lives and produce a good way of dressing which does not exposed our body parts as if it’s a commodity exhibited for sale. Bad way of dressing comes out of the corruptness and perverseness of the heart which follows after the majority who like dresses that exposes what is referred to as their selling point. We cannot change the definition of dressing to suite our present way of dressing that is around us. A good dress simply covers your body while a bad dress exposes it. Let us always create a good standard of dressing in the younger people today so that in the near future we shall have a good standard of dressing. By Eguriase S. M. Okaka


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