Kedi Product Recommendation courtesy of Kedi Healthcare By Eguriase S. M. Okaka/Kedi/584764

No. Illness Symptoms Product Dosage 1. Abscess Collections of pus in an area where the tissues have broken down. Reishi 3*2 daily 2. Acarpia Barrenness; Sterility Women: Golden Six 1*2 daily Men: Vigor Essential 1*2 daily. 3. Acne Pus filled pimple on the face, back & chest caused by inflammation of oil glands of the skin. Constilease 2*2 daily 4. Adenoids (Adenitis) Inflammation of the adenoid gland (a tonsil-like growth in the small Lumph nodes of the nasal passage where it joins the throat.) Reishi 3*2 daily 5. Age Spot Colored patch on the skin (pigmentation due to the insufficient fat production by the sebaceous glands under the skin). Constilease 2*2 daily 6. Aging Multidimensional process of physical, psychological and social change. Cordy Actve 4*2 daily Goldeñ Six 1*1 daily 7. Aids-HIV positive Disease that kills the immune system (defense) of the body rendering it (body) opened to all kinds of disease. Characterized by loss of appetite, weight loss constant headaches etc. This is deadly. Reishi 3*2 daily Golden Hypha 4*2 daily 8. Alcoholism (effect) Poisoning with alcohol, causing unhealthy conditions chiefly in the nervous and digestive system caused by habitual use of alcohol in poisonous amount. Reishi 3*2 daily 9. Allergic dermatitis Body reaction to one or more specific substances. Usually protein. Rash or cold-like symptoms may result. Reishi 3*2 daily 10 Allergic Rhinitis (hay fever) Condition characterized by inflammation Rhinitis catarrh watery discharge from the eyes, daily, (hay fever) cold in the head. Headaches, asthmatic symptoms, caused by air born pollen of some grasses or trees during the dry season. Reishi 3*2 daily 11 Alzheimer Senility Loss of memory associated with age from 60 years upward. Cordy Royal Jelly 2*2 daily. 12 Amoeba A one celled animal such as a protozoa that moves by changing shapes and flowing along. Amebic dysentery for an example is caused by these types of Organism. Reishi 3*2 daily 13 Anemia Deficiency in the blood brought about by a decrease in the numbers of red blood cells or the hemoglobin of the blood. Cordy Royal Jelly 3*2 daily HEAMOCARE 2*2 daily 14 Angina Heart disease, in which the patient suffers pectoris from suffocating contractions in the chest and pains radiating from the heart down the left arm due to insufficient blood supply to the heart. This can caused stroke. Cordy Royal Jelly 3*2 daily CARDIBETTER 3*3 15 Anorexia Inability to eat (loss of appetite) Cordy Active Jelly 4*2 daily 16 Anuria Failure of kidney function causing scanty urine. Reishi 3*2 daily Golden Six 1*1 daily 17 Anxiety Restlessness feeling of apprehension, the source of which is recognized, anguish. Constilease 2*2 daily CORDY ROYAL JELLY 3*2 daily 18 Appendicitis Inflamed appendix inflammation of the small and large intestines Cordy Active 4*2 daily Reishi 3*2 daily. 19 Arteriosclerosis Degeneration and hardening of the (Cholesterol arteries a condition in which the walls of arteries, capillaries or veins daily thickens and loss elasticity characterized by hypertension, fatigues, digestive disturbances etc. Cordy Royal Jelly 3*2 daily. 20 Arthritis Inflammation or pains and swelling in the joints, especially knee joints. Golden Six 1*2 daily JOINTEEZ PILL 10 PILLS *2 daily WITH HARM WATER 21 Asthma Disease of the bronchial tubes which lead from the wind pipe or trachea into lungs causing panting, shortness of breath almost suffocating, (Technically called bronchial asthma). Cordy Active 4*2 daily REISHI 2*2 daily
22 Atherosclerosis Disease of the bronchial tubes which lead substances called cholesterol in the system characterized by hypertension and cholesterol related sickness. Cordy Royal Jelly 3*2 daily 23 Athlete’s foot Fungal infection between the toes characterized by cracks, redness, itching, sores, pains and disabilities. Reishi 3*2 daily. DIAWELL 12*2 daily 24 Back Ache Severe pains in the backbones, waist or back region that makes one unable to sit, bend or stand upright. Golden Six 1*2 daily JOINTEEZ PILLS 10 PILLS *2 WITH WARM WATER 25 Bacteremia Presence of bacteria in the blood, causing blood poisoning. Reishi 3*2 daily Cordy Active 4*2 daily 26 Barber’s Itch Bumps, fungal infections beaded portions in the face and neck causing burning and itching. Golden Hypha 4*2 daily Reishi 3*2 daily 27 Bleeding gum (gingivitis) Inflammation of the gums. Reishi 3*2 daily 28 Blisters Collections of fluid in the skin causing a raised area. Reishi 3*2 daily 29 Blocked Fallopian Tube The blockage of one or both fallopian tubes connecting the ovaries and uterus characterized by failure in conception. Reishi 3*2 daily GYNAPHARM *3 daily 30 Blood Infection Presence of bacteria in the blood. Reishi 3*2 daily HAEMOCARE 2*2 daily 31 Boils Round, tender, pus-filled, raised area on the skin caused by bacteria infection usually. Reishi 3*2 daily 32 Breathing difficulty Inability to breathe normally and painlessly shortness of breath. Also called dyspnea. Cordy Active 4*2 daily 33 Bronchitis Swelling causing severe coughing and sneezing thus affecting the larynx and the vocal cords making voice. Cordy Royal Jelly 4*2 daily Reishi 3*2 daily 34 Bruxism Grinding of teeth while sleeping some times a manifestation of neurosis. Cordy Royal Jelly 3*2 daily 35 Bunion Swelling at the first joint of the great toe. This is very painful. Reishi 3*2 daily 36 Bums (scalds) The effect of undue exposure to heat, chemical or electricity. Reishi 3*2 daily 37 Cancer Malignant tumor. Uncontrolled growth of cells which are usually larger and move like embryonic cells than the normal cells. The affected tissue spreading fast to destroy the whole system. Golden Hypha 4*2 daily Reishi 3*2 daily 38 Cardiovascular disease Problems in the heart and blood vessels characterized by feeling of hotness and warmth in excess. Cordy Royal Jelly 3*2 daily CARDIBETTER 3*3 daily 39 Catarrh Inflammation of the nose or other mucus membranes accompanied by a great deal mucus. Reishi 3*2 daily 40 Chicken pox Mild contagious infections disease marked by fever and eruption of vesicles on the skin mucus membrane. Reishi 3*2 daily 41 Cholera An epidemic disease, often fatal, spread through polluted water. The symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, cramps and tendency to collapse. Reishi 3*2 daily 42 Chronic Fatigue (exhaustion) Very weak and dull. Exhausted with low appetite. Cordy Active 4*2 daily 43 Cirrhosis Chronic inflammation of the liver, the disease is marked by degeneration of the liver cells thinking of the surrounding tissues. Reishi 3*2 daily 44 Climacteric (menopause) Menopause and its associated problems. Golden Six 1*2 daily 45 Cold sore Fever blisters (sore on the lips, sometimes appears when the patient has fever. Reishi 3*2 daily 46 Colitis Inflammation of the colon intestine (large intestine) Reishi 3*2 daily COLON TEA 1*2 daily 47 Conjunctivitis (pink eyes) Inflammation of the conjunctive Reishi 3*2 daily EYE BETA 2*2 daily 48 Constipation Condition in which the bowels move less often than usual and difficulty characterized by headache and feverish conditions. Constilease 2*2 daily COLON TEA 1*2 daily 49 Coms Area of thickened skin on the toes. They are usually caused by the pressure ill-lifting shoes. Reishi 3*2 daily 50 Coronary thrombosis Formation of blood out in the coronary artery. Interfering with the blood supply to the heart muscle. This can cause heart failure. Cordy Royal Jelly 3*2 daily CARDIBETTER 3*3 daily 51 Cystitis Inflammation of the bladder. Reishi 3*2 daily 52 Cysta benign The formation of fatty substances in any area of the body that is not harmful. Reishi 3*2 daily Cordy Active 4*2 daily 53 Debility (general) General weakness of the body. Cordy Active 4*2 daily 54 Dehydration Loss or removal of water from the body characterized by weakness, thirst and pain in the joints. Reishi 3*2 daily 55 Dementia (mental blockage) Deterioration, especially with respect to reasoning, will power and mind. Cordy Royal Jelly 3*2 daily 56 Depression A mental state of being in low spirit characterized by dejection, dullness, lack of hope and absence of cheerfulness. Cordy Active 4*2 daily 57 Dermatitis Problem of skin. Skin may be covered by troublesome rashes painful itchy. Constilease 2*2 daily 58 Diabetes Type ll A disease in which sugar is not adequately utilized by the body owing to lack of insulin from the pancreas characterized by weakness due to the lack of energy supply. Golden Six1*2 daily DIAWELL 12*3 daily 59 Diarrhea Passing frequently and watery stool. Characterized by weakness, aches and pale looking. Reishi 3*2 daily 60 Digestive problem Enzymes failure to break down food in the mouth, stomach and intestines so that as to be absorbed by the body characterized by vomiting constipation or diarrhea and feverishness. Constilease 2*2 daily GRASTIFORT 4*2 daily 61 Dry skin Insufficient production of the body fat (oil) by the sebaceous glands and caused wrinkle. Constilease 2*2 daily 62 Dysmenorrhea Painful menstruation (monthly flow of blood associated with pains). Golden six 1*2 daily Eve’s Comfort 3-6 *3 daily 63 Ear infection Inflammation, ache, pain in the ear. Reishi 3*2 daily 64 Eczema Itching and formation of scales on the skin. Cordy Active 4*2 daily 65 Edema (Hydrops) Swelling caused by collection in tissues of fluid which has escaped from the blood capillaries. Golden Hypha 4*2 daily Reishi 3*2 daily 66 Elephantiasis Disease caused by presence of parasitic worm in the lymphatic system. It results in enlargement of parts of the body especially legs. Golden Hypha 4*2 daily Reishi 3*2 daily 67 Emaciation (Maceration) General loss of weight. Cordy Active 4*2 daily 68 Embolism (Arterial blockage) Obstruction of blood vessel by a cot, air bubbles, fat globule or bacteria. Reishi 3*2 daily 69 Enervation Lack of energy. Cordy Active 4*2 daily
70 Epigastritis Inflammation of organs pertaining to the region over the stomach. Gastrifort 3*2 daily 71 Erysipeis (skin bacterial infection) A severe infectious disease in which the skin becomes swollen, and inflames. It is caused by a streptococcal. Reishi 3*2 daily 72 Fainting Spells Loss of consciousness due to insufficient blood in the brain. Cordy Active 4*2 daily 73 Fatigue Exhausted, tired, dull, loss of appetite. Cordy Active 4*2 daily 74 Female Infertility Barrenness inability to conceive in the course of normal sexual relation, inability to produce offspring. Golden Six 1*2 daily Reishi 3*2 daily 75 Fibroid Tumor in muscular wall of uterus which may grow more and form a polyploidy fibroid. Golden Hypha 4*2 daily Reishi 3*2 daily 76 Flatulence (stomach gas) Having or producing a large amount of gas in the stomach or intestines. Characterized by constipation for long time. Gastrifort 3*2 daily Constilease 2*2 daily 77 Flu, cough Inflammation of the respiratory tract. Catarrhal infection, fever, sore throat, chills, sweat, aches, cough etc. Reishi 3*2 daily CORDY ACTIVE 4*2 daily 78 Freckles Brown spots on the skin especially in a fair skin. Constilease 2*2 daily 79 Frigidity Lack of sexual pressure. Women: Golden Six 1*2 daily Men: Revive 2*2 daily
This and other medicines are available in all KEDI Healthcare outlets nationwide and worldwide. For purchases contact us: The Consultant/Distributor Eguriase S. M. Okaka – 07069229588 or 08026711232 Go to our offices nearest to you and buy these medicines for your curative remedies and health benefits. Always remember that health is wealth. We run test for any issue that come before us, before selling our medicines to you. OFFICE ADDRESS: No. 157 Uselu Lagos Road, Opposite Textile Mill Road junction, Uselu Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria OR No. 131 Upper Mission Extension, Beside Ziko Gas Station, Opposite Christ Chosen Church of God, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria As soon as you get to any of our offices in Nigeria or abroad you can call my number 07069229588 or 08026711232, so that I can give you a code to buy the drugs with. The code shows that you are directed by a Kedi Consultant. Name EGURIASE S. M. OKAKA KEDI’s ID 584764 Phone Number 07069229588 or 08026711232. JOIN MY KEDI NETWORK (There is a job opportunity for you at Kedi HealthCare in Nigeria and abroad) (I sincerely invite you to join this lucrative business opportunity which KEDI Healthcare offers you. You can go to any KEDI’s offices nationwide or worldwide to register not for free but after the payment of a token amount for your kits and KEDI’s ID which will be given to you after registration, denoting that you are now a full member of KEDI.
If you are interested in the business opportunity which KEDI HEALTHCARE is offering you, you can go to any of our offices in Nigeria or abroad for registration. Before registering call my number so that I can give you a code to register with. That code means that you are registering under my Network. There are benefits of registering under my Network: one of such is a free business coaching and mentorship. You can fill in my particulars there and contact me on phone for mentorship: Name, EGURIASE S. M. OKAKA KEDI’s ID 584764 PHONE Number 07069229588 or 08026711232). Eguriase S. M. Okaka Consultant / Distributor


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