Finding a perfect relationship is the most difficult task and journey to engage oneself into. You can hardly fine one instead what you need to do is to build yours into, than looking for. In order words the possibility of finding one is very slim. Rather looking for build yours into. In every relationship Agreement is the most important thing you need because the persons going into or in a relationship are usually from two different background, beliefs, culture, and have device ideologies. This is largely responsible for the fact that before going into any relationship there must be agreement.

                The two persons who wish to walk together must agree before they can take the first step. If taking the first step means agreement, then you should take that step first. Do not say that we will develop agreement later that will not be true if you ask me. Like some will say we shall develop ‘love’ later. Well if you ask me I will that say that it is colossal. Now agreement means having the same opinion on a course.  Every relationship must have agreement as the back born.

                I will advised here that if there is no agreement then do not bother going into the would-be relationship. Always test the level of agreement before undertaking on the journey, for example, I must count the cost before embarking on a journey. Do not say that agreement will grow with time, No! Agreement does not grow in a relationships is either you agree or disagree on a course.

                When two people agree on a course that is when they can walk together, they hardly get offended by each other flaw or weakness because they have agreed to walk together in spite of their weakness whatsoever. But when there is no agreement in a relationship what you see are weaknesses of the other (partner) and reasons not to ever agree with him or her. (If they are not into the relationship yet)

                Relationships strive on agreement not on prayers. Do not miss-quote me. Even when you pray you still need to agree to make it work that is why I said relationship strives on agreement. Even the almighty God states: ‘two can only walk together when they agree.’ We need to agree first before we can take the preceding steps in the relationship.

                Agreement is a very vital tool in all spheres of life. A family needs it, business needs it, and government needs it. The place of agreement to humans cannot be over-emphasized that is why this lecture state thus. You must agree on matters. When a couple agree to walk together as man and wife that is when they can stand every problems that might arise from and in the relationship. Now look for a relationship with no agreement and tell us what characterized such relationship?

                Therefore, agreement is the pivot on which the wheels of any relationship rotates. So make it work!

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