Drama is a narrative art one of several modes in which mankind has learned to present a story. Stories presented to give pressure, entertain and educate. Drama can pass a moral message or teach a lesson as in the case of THE BOWELS OF MERCY and THE STORY OF THE EPILEPTIC MAN both plays by Eguriase S.M. Okaka. In addition, drama have a wide range function in the society, they may for example do the following:

1.       Conserve it legend
2.       Order it laws
3.       Explore it problems
4.       Demonstrates it codes
5.       Ridicules it weakness
6.       Extend it knowledge
Stories must in some way happen within the range of human nature; the emotions of the Character, their reasons for doing what they do and how it feels to them to be in such situations must be within the range response of the recipient of the story. If the story is of an age and order of ideals different from his own, he must be able to transplant himself to be an ancient Greek, a medieval man, a renaissance man.
Stories may be heard as recited by a storyteller, read by a solitary reader or seen and heard  in the dramatic mode by a spectator in a theatre. Our concern is with a forth mode of enjoying a story better than that of the reader of a play.
Drama is composed nor a reader as fiction and poetry are, but for the spectators or audience as the case may include. The playwright composes under a knowledge of the limitations and advantages of a specific kind of theatre.
He then entrust his play to a director, actor, who produces the play before an audience. The production is INTERPRETED AND EXECUTED for a given kind of stage in a given kind of theatre. The particular kind varying in different period and times. The audience reacts as a group, interprets and  varies in their interpretation not only from age to age but from night to night , from matinee to evening. (i.e afternoon performance of a play)
What the playwright sets down  in words is usually restricted to direction for the setting and costuming, directing for the acting and the speeches of the characters. The result is an ‘IMITATION OF AN ACTION’ a story acted by its characters. In an ideal completeness, the result comes to a spectator who as one in an audience sea, hears and feels the effect of the performed play in the ‘dramatic present’
The dramatic present is a complex spell cast over the spectators as they untie in a place or theatre seeing and hearing a story which is happening there on the stage before them.
Playwrights are at one with actors, directors and technicians in dedication to a living performances. With each performance, ideally happening for the first time and with no one aware of the conclusion until the conclusion appears. Reflection and criticism must wait until the final contain: Immediacy and intensity are re-created in each performances before each audience. Even though the spectator is aware that he is in a theatre watching a performance and that he knows the out come of the play, the pull of dramatic present is forward.
Conclusively, the nature of drama is in the presentation and performance of the play in the theatre. Drama is not meant to be read like other forms of literature as we do to poetry and prose.    

By Eguriase S. M. Okaka
07069229588 or 08026711232


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