THE ESSENTIALS OF SCRIPT WRITING If your characters don’t come alive in your script there is no way they will come alive on the stage or on the screen. In our daily lives, we come across people some are mere acquaintances while others are good friends. We are most likely to make surprise judgments of an acquaintance based on their appearance and first impressions but we are not likely to go beyond that. You may never have deep information as you may not know them completely. But a friend you know their background, likes or dislikes, their taste, lifestyle and a host of others. This is exactly how characterization works; when you write you must ensure that your central character is someone they know back at home and in some cases their enemies. If this must happen you as a writer must first get to know your character very well because if you don’t know your character they will not appear rather they will appear flat. The next question is how well do you know your character ...